Archive through December 04, 2004

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Star Fleet Battles: SFB Proposals Board: The "X" Files: First Generation X-ships: X1R SSDs and Counters: Archive through December 04, 2004
By Joseph R Carlson (Jrc) on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 10:19 pm: Edit

There is a Federation NCLX on Tos's list. Could the Feds have a CMX instead?

By Joseph R Carlson (Jrc) on Saturday, October 09, 2004 - 11:03 am: Edit

A Federation Tug and heavy fighter pod. I am not sure how much warp the Tug should have. Also can a battle pod be this size for X1R? I used A-20Fs and added a E-3A SWAC. One of the R sections on a F-111 carrier indicated SWACs don't work very well with F-111s.

By Joseph R Carlson (Jrc) on Saturday, October 09, 2004 - 11:25 am: Edit

A GVX with A-20 heavy fighters would be an in-house (obvious) variant. A CVS can be converted to a CVSX but it has F-18s, F-14s won't fit.

I made a new class of strike carrier that has 12 F-14s. The rear hull is wider but not as large as a BCV. It uses a forward hatch and a rear hatch with 2 tracks that serve a 3 postion balcony (Starboard track can serve center and 60 deg. to Starboard; Port track serves center and 60 deg. to port).

By Jeff Tonglet (Blackbeard) on Saturday, October 09, 2004 - 11:53 am: Edit

I know this is a minor point, but:

In J2 (I don't have my rules with me), the Advanced Admin Shuttle becomes standard equipment on all ships after Y180.

It takes 8 damage and has 2 chaff packs, not the 6 damage on everyone's SSDs.

By Joseph R Carlson (Jrc) on Saturday, October 09, 2004 - 12:14 pm: Edit


That is correct. Thanks for pointing that out. I have corrected some of my SSD's but all of them.

By Orman J. Hoffman II (Ojh2) on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 08:25 pm: Edit

I have three versions of a Federation Advanced Light Cruiser that I had wanted to be considered for X1R. I would appreciate any opinions, comments or criticisms.

My original version comes equipped with a minimum compliment of NWO boxes to provide some flexibility.
Fed Advanced Light Cruiser Version 1

The second version and third version are meant to be more of a multipurpose ship like an HDW. The NWO and AWR options would function according to the rules in R6 and the weapon options would be limited to Ph-1's, DRN-Gx's and Sensors. Fighter boxes may be put in the weapon options if all of the NWO and AWR are also fighters.

Fed Advanced Light Cruiser Version 2

The third version is similar to the second with the exception of an increased move cost and a change to the AWR and Lab configurations while maintaining the same power curve.

Fed Advanced Light Cruiser Version 3

Orman Hoffman II

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 09:15 pm: Edit

Minor change for the Roms:

After being reminded that SVC told me not to use Rom ship names starting with "S", I sat down and decided to rename my Shadowhawk and Blackhawk BCHs (and their BCHX's)

The Shadowhawk was given custody of the Blackhawk name.

I was looking for something more Royal/Regal hawkish for the original Blackhawk anyway and came up with Princehawk.

The actual ship SSDs are unchanged.

By Alan Trevor (Thyrm) on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 10:09 pm: Edit


Just out of curiousity, what's wrong with Romulan ship names starting with "S"?

By Martin Read (Amethyst_Cat) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 06:30 am: Edit

Well, y'know, there's already at least six of them. (Snipe, Sparrowhawk, Skyhawk, Seahawk, Saberhawk, Sunhawk)

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 12:33 pm: Edit

...and multiple ship variants for at least three of those, taking up a lot of the available useful acronyms.

By Alan Trevor (Thyrm) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 01:48 pm: Edit

There are even more than that. Superhawk and Starhawk come to mind (though the latter is a PF rather than a true ship). To be clear, is SVC's objection to Romulan ship names beginning with "S" based on there being too many such names already?

By Tos Crawford (Tos) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 02:04 pm: Edit

I find those SSDs to be way over the top.

By Mike Raper (Raperm) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 02:23 pm: Edit

I am a bit confused about something. Both ships show that they carry type S plasmas, and type R's. But the chart only has the Type S or less, and the PPT's show type M's. Is this a clerical error?

By Loren Knight (Loren) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 02:31 pm: Edit

I think the Roms might come up with an entirely new hull form for X2. One harkening back to the old days.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 04:16 pm: Edit


Yeah, it probably is a clerical error. I'll update.


Yes they are over the top. ANY BCHX worth the name is by definition over the top.

EDIT: Thanks Mike. I found four of my questionable Rom SSDs --Both BCHXs and both DNXs needed their M-torp line. Updates once my boss finishes putting up christmas lights in the room. :)

EDIT EDIT: Updated.

By Mike Raper (Raperm) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 05:11 pm: Edit

The Princehawk has torpedoes A, B, D, and E on the C. D and E are type S on the ship, but the PPT's are type M.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 05:36 pm: Edit


At least it was the only one...

The wages of re-editing the blackhawk to make the Princehawk, I suppose.

By Orman J. Hoffman II (Ojh2) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 06:04 pm: Edit


I lean towards thinking that the Blackhawk-X and Princehawk-X should be subject to shock with their current armaments even though there are fitted with X-tech.


I share your opinion with regards to X2 Romulan ship design.


Would y'all mind taken a look at the ships I posted in this topic on October 14 and give me your opinions good, bad or indifferent. I would appreciate it. Thanks.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 06:21 pm: Edit


Makes sense.

The Gorn BCH would also be subject to shock.

By Orman J. Hoffman II (Ojh2) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 07:59 pm: Edit

Gorn BCH (non X-Tech) is a ship that I would consider borderline eligible for shock. A Blackhawk-X (or Princehawk-X)and a preposed Gorn BCH-X, I my opinion would avoid shock completely with five S torps, rather than 3 M torps and 2 S torps. That may not be much of an improvement over the CCX, but three M torps or 2 R torps seems just barely over the line. For perspective, I have never understood why the Fed BCJ was subjected to shock while the Gorn BCH and ISC CC was not; all three have the heavy weapon suites of a dreadnaught.

By Loren Knight (Loren) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 09:10 pm: Edit

Just a quick ASIF idea here: The comments about Shock got me thinking. Many have suggested that the first X2 ships be consevative in their weapondry and after the Xorks come they get refitted with more weapons. I would suggest that these added weapons cause shock UNLESS you are opperating your ASIF at full power.

OK back to the regularly scheduled conversation.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 02:07 am: Edit


Since only grossly overgunned plasma ships seemed to take shock (sparrowhawk-J, Killerhawk), I assumed The BCH and ISC CC were built right on the edge of being able to take doing what they do.

BTW, the Gorn doesn't QUITE have the heavy weapons of a DN. DN armamanet is 1xR, 2xS, 2xF. OTOH, the Romulan Killerhawk *does* have DN plasmas and it *is* subject to shock.

I guess you could say the Gorn BCH is the equivalent of the Fed BCG/F and the Killerhawk is the equivalent of the BCJ.

I don't know what "out" the ISC CC has, except to suggest that a 4-PPD version of that ship would be insanely over-the-top vicious, which suggests that the ISC CC edges close enough to BCG/F territory for government work. I also like Jessica Orsini's theory that the ISC had some kind of edge in hull-construction technology that eluded everybody else until X2, giving their designs a little extra resiliance.

X-BCHs: I'm not the one who upgunned the standard baseline CA armment from 2xS, 2xF to 2xM, 2xS, but that's what came out of X1. Taking 3xS, 2xF as standard "safe" BCH armament and updating to 3xM, 2xS only makes sense.

As for shock, I dunno. Considering how insanely powerful a BCHX naturally is, I shrug and say, "sure" but have no strong opinion. The upgunning of X-ship plasma armament suggests that an X-ship can take a heavier load of weapons before it takes shock but I dunno if that goes as far as 3xM-torps or 2xR.


That idea works better with some people's idea of an ASIF than others.

But it is something to keep in mind.

By Loren Knight (Loren) on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 03:02 am: Edit

Ya, but I figure everyone ASIF ideas are still in flux as X2 gets actually developed it will likely change if it becomes anything. Mine, yours or whomever's, right?

But that's all I ment for any way, to keep it in mind because that is a secondary Xork era developement and X2 comes first.

By John Trauger (Vorlonagent) on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 11:47 am: Edit

Actually, your ASIF is better suited, but either works.

By Loren Knight (Loren) on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 11:56 am: Edit

Well, they are both basically Energy Fields that reinforce the ship, right? How that is played out in game process is what differs. So to simply add that this energy field also absorbs shock isn't much of a leap for any othe rthe ASIF proposals I've seen.

That's all I'm give peace a chance....oh uh sorry. :O

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