Product Schedule Updates

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By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, December 01, 2024 - 02:55 am: Edit

My new Executive VP Albert Beddow convinced me that there had to be a simpler way to make sure everyone knew what was coming up and how long it was taking than answering individual questions by email or on the BBS. So we're going to use this topic for what it was intended for. Anyone asking for an update on an upcoming product will be sent a link to this topic. We won't have regular updates but we will have updates when we have new information. If you don't see what you want to know, ask in this topic.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, December 01, 2024 - 03:08 am: Edit


REPRINT OF BASIC SET: We expect the counters in about a week or ten days.

REPRINT OF KLINGON BORDER: We expect the counters in about a week or ten days.

REPRINT OF Y1: We expect to send the counters to reprint sometime within a week or ten days, after which it should take about ten days to get them back here. This one is tedious because we're shifting from 216 to 280 (so you get Lyran and Kzinti civil war counters) but even more so because we're shifting to the fancier color icon pictures of ships instead of solid color silhouettes.

ORION MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Steve Petrick (and Steve Cole) are finished. Jean is proofreading and making the fixes as she goes instead of sending a correction list to SPP. She is about 10% of the way through, but remember that this is not her only job. Some days she makes no progress, other days she blasts through a dozen pages.

F&E CIVIL WARS: Steve Cole is waiting for the staff to send the updated scenarios. Chuck, how about you make it a point to get me one of them by 31 Dec and another by 31 Jan? Does that work for your team?

NEWSLETTER: This got lost in the medical crisis. We're supposed to do it every month but since we don't make any money from it it's not a high priority. Nobody wants us to delay a real product for the newsletter. SVC says he will try to find a Christmas ship and get the newsletter out after he finishes the counters.

F&E COUNTER REPRINT: SVC will ask for production quotes from the printer and die cutter on Tuesday and hopes to get this to the printer and back from the printer by early January. Other than the GryphonHawk thing that came up today, we're done. This includes ISC War, Sierra, Kilo, and Vulkan. Two or three of those include new counters.

SHORT-RUN COUNTER BATCH TWO: This includes Y1 reprint, another reprint, and maybe one or two special project sheets. SVC is busy with the Y1 reprint right now but will have to take time away from this for the F&E reprints. We should have these by the end of the year. We don't really want to send this to press before we see the production from SRCB-One (SFB basic set and Klingon Border).

CAPTAIN'S LOG 55: No work is being done on this right now due to other things in the way, but Steve Petrick is working on an SSD that Alan Trevor requested.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, December 01, 2024 - 06:00 pm: Edit

The staff wants to release this in 2025. All they have to do is send me the list of updates. They can start at any time. I do recognize they are also working on CIVIL WARS and doing both at once can slow down both.

By Alex Chobot (Alendrel) on Monday, December 02, 2024 - 01:19 pm: Edit

What’s the status of the Module K reprint?

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, December 02, 2024 - 11:03 pm: Edit

MODULE K REPRINT: The counters are done, including the 64 new ones added. They will go to press when Y1 is finished and when the BS/KB counters arrive and prove to be good. We should have these around the end of the year.

By Jeff Anderson (Jga) on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 - 12:46 am: Edit

Is this Module K reprint a "Cleaned up and updated" (Crawford boxes, etcetera) like you've been doing lately? My mouth is watering already if it is. :)

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 - 02:07 am: Edit

I don't know what SPP is doing with the rulebook; I don't think it's on the update list yet (but it might be, I wouldn't know). I am only involved with reprinting the countersheet which is out of stock.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 - 03:33 am: Edit

ORION MSSB UPDATE: Jean called me to ask for an understanding of why the Orion R8.2 ship is sometimes referred to as a Raider Cruiser, sometimes as a Pirate Raider, sometimes as a Light Cruiser, and sometimes as a Light Raider Cruiser.

After heating the explanation she decided to spend the day standardizing every reference to R8.2 as "Raider Cruiser". It's mostly search/replace but not entirely that simple. Several hours of work.

She decided that the book shall be the Queen's English not Prince Dirty Harry's English.

By A David Merritt (Adm) on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 - 10:54 am: Edit

Wouldn't that be the King's English, now?

By Mike Erickson (Mike_Erickson) on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 - 11:24 am: Edit

Correct. And it's "God Save The King" for the foreseeable future as well.


By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 - 02:58 pm: Edit

ISC MSSB: Steve P reports that this is "done" and waiting for Jean to proofread.

Y1: At this time, the countersheet is being reprinted, we aren't updating the rulebooks yet.

MODULE K: Petrick IS updating the rulebooks and SSD books.

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