Star Wars Armada

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Company-Conventions-Stores-Ideas: New Product Lines Development: Star Wars Armada
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By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Wednesday, November 02, 2016 - 10:10 pm: Edit


By jim howard (Noseybonk) on Monday, April 30, 2018 - 06:24 am: Edit

wow no posts.
Jeffrey, you asked for this page to be set up 18 months or more ago and then said nothing here, tsk tsk!.

i have star wars armada. its a great game and imho would be a great fit for SFU it does not suffer the picard as captain on every team that star trek attack wing did (we spent alot of cash on this and then dropped the game like a lead balloon when every game turned into picard being the captain of the uss voyager and moving in for a 1st turn kill on a borg cube.).

i'd love to fight F&E battles using an SFU adaption of SW armada. my group recently discussed the cost of SFU mini's. it got quite heated until SW armada was brought up. i wish we had spent the cash for ST attack wing (approx £300.00 at least per players (easily over £1200 in total.).) on SFU miniatures.

wheres' the magic money tree to conjur up the cash so SVC can make it happen (ok, ok, i know im wishing.).

By Mike Ptak (Norsehound) on Wednesday, May 09, 2018 - 05:57 am: Edit

Armada Star Trek fans may find the little project I launched of interest. Try here:

Most of it is the motion picture era of Trek, but it's better than nothing.

Armada is a deliberative combat system that relies on simple mechanics. It is a you-go-I-go system that awards first player choice to the player with fewer game points. Each ship has four firing arcs, performs two attacks per turn out of them, and then moves. The engine is also designed to support fighters, which if they are not activated by a capital ship, they have their own phase.

Combat is, like X-Wing, resolved in part by dice, though it is more nuanced. Dice generate damage and special effects (accuracy, critical) that are resolved when the target ship is defending. A ship's defense options depend on what type of defense token suite they are carrying (currently there are 4 types). How the incoming damage is treated depends on which tokens are spent.

A tournament level game is capped at 2.5 hours of play, with tournaments being three rounds. It's worth checking out if you have the chance- I've been in the game since it's inception and I feel there's no better grand combat game in space than this.

By jim howard (Noseybonk) on Saturday, May 12, 2018 - 03:17 am: Edit

yeah but the playing area is too small at 'only' 3 feet by 3 feet. but you can play on a bigger area without difficulty so its no biggy.

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