Hailing Frequencies Extras

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Company-Conventions-Stores-Ideas: About the Company: Hailing Frequencies Extras
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What Extras do you want?  24   01/01 10:22am

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, April 13, 2020 - 04:12 pm: Edit

As you are aware, four months ago we merged the two newsletters (the general Hailing Frequencies and the FedCom specific Communique) into one newsletter called Hailing Frequencies.

As part of the process, we changed from doing a new FC ship and a new FC scenario in each issue to doing two or more "play value extras" in each newsletter, which could be a ship for SFB or a scenario for ACTA or a ship for Starmada or a Scenario for FC.

You can access these here:


By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Saturday, May 14, 2022 - 04:33 am: Edit

The May issue was sent on 13 May and included four versions of the PRAX CA, one for SFB, FC, ACTA, and Starmada. The link about should take you to them.

By Steve Stewart (Stevestewart) on Monday, May 16, 2022 - 07:21 am: Edit

I really like the new SSD format - is that intended to be the new standard?

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, May 16, 2022 - 03:34 pm: Edit

It is for the ones I do on my computer which doesn't have the software Steve has. I basically have to start from scratch while he can clone stuff really easily.

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Monday, December 19, 2022 - 10:56 pm: Edit

Is there going to be a SFB SSD, or information, for the North Pole freighter?


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