Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: A Call to Arms Star Fleet: ACTASF: BOOK FOUR
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By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Friday, January 09, 2015 - 08:18 pm: Edit

We are sketching out the contents list for BOOK FOUR. We are not opening discussions on this project until Book Three is finished, but we need to make sure we have a plan and don’t paint ourselves into a corner.
New Empire: ISC
New Empire: Vudar
New Empire: Andromedan if we can figure out the rules, Jindarians otherwise.
New classes
Heavy war destroyer (scout), Heavy War Destroyer (flagship)
Gunboats and Tenders
Sector Base
Civilian/Auxiliary scouts
Civilian/Auxiliary gunboat tenders
One other "new class/variant" (minus what was in Book Two and Three: Heavy command cruiser, war cruiser leader, war destroyer leader, heavy dreadnoughts, fast dreadnoughts)
Plasmtic Pulsar
Ion Pulse Generator
Ion Cannon
Ion Storm Generator
Andromedan weapons.
New ships for each empire:
Klingon penal ships
Cruiser and destroyer;frigate scout for each empire
Survey cruiser for each empire
To be determined
New ships for ISC
To be determined
New ships for Vudar
To be determined
New ships for Andros
To be determined

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