F&E Minor Empires (ME) 2015 - After Action Reports

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Federation & Empire: F&E WARBOOK: Next Update: Minor Empires: F&E Minor Empires (ME) 2015 - After Action Reports
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By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, June 20, 2016 - 09:10 pm: Edit

This topic is open for businesses.

By Thomas Mathews (Turtle) on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 06:15 am: Edit

(451.0) The 'updates to other rules' section identifies (451.0) to talk about available Engineer units; this should be marked (541.0) instead. -James Lowry, 6/20/2016

The above copied from After Action Report for Fighter Operations 2016 to the correct topic.

By James Lowry (Rindis) on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 09:32 pm: Edit

(717.01) & (717.02) Patrol Fleet is given a number of provinces to set up in, including 1513, which is outside of normal Vudar territory and not adjacent to any other province listed. Suggest it should be province 1518. -James Lowry, 6/29/2016

By Stewart Frazier (Frazikar2) on Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 11:03 am: Edit

Should the auxiliary limits for the MEs be based on their 'sponsor' (LDR=Lyran, Selt/Vud=Klingon) for general usage (assuming LDR xAA and everyones xAC use is unlimited)??

By Nick Samaras (Koogie) on Wednesday, August 03, 2016 - 03:05 am: Edit

Reposted from another topic:

LDR, Seltorian, and Vudar Admirals do not have an effectiveness printed on the counter (presumably because you only get one). Are they average or do you roll a die or something to determine their effectiveness?
FEDS: Variable admirals are an optional rule. If one wishes to use the optional rule, then roll one die to randomly determine the admiral's effectiveness.

(Nick Samaras, July 29, 2016)

(715.22) allows the Seltorians two free strategic movement per turn, with the ability to buy two more.

(546.221) Strategic Movement: The Seltorians can move three units via strategic movement per turn; the limit is increased to five units should they ever build a starbase or stellar fortress.

Which one of the above is correct?

(Nick Samaras, July 29, 2016)

FEDS: Unless overruled by ADB, rule (546.221) is correct and (715.221) needs to be changed to reflect this oversight.

(714.3) LDR Force Deployments list one KRP pod but there isn't one on the OOB, just a REPR ship. (Nick Samaras, August 3, 2016).
FEDS: The Pod Deployment chart (714.3) is part of the overarching OOB (714.0).

(717.3) Vudar force deployments list one each KBP, KRP, and KTP pods but none listed in the OOB. (Nick Samaras, August 3 2016)
FEDS: The Pod Deployment chart (717.3) is part of the overarching OOB (717.0).

Vudar have Monitor-V pallet available in Y168 but none listed in OOB. (Nick Samaras, August 3 2016)
FEDS: No change required. While the Vudar Monitor-V pallet is available to build in Y16, the Vudar must build one if they want one.

By Thomas Mathews (Turtle) on Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 07:38 am: Edit

(630.221) (Per 714.0) should read Per (714.0). The open parenthesis "(" should be before the number seven "7" as (714.0) is a rule number reference. Thomas Mathews 27 Oct 2016

By Thomas Mathews (Turtle) on Sunday, January 08, 2017 - 12:02 pm: Edit

(714.4) Annex (759.0) Capital System: two defense brigades (total 6xPDU, 2xIDU) should read: two defense brigade (8xPDU). The LDR do not use IDUs. The IDUs are part of the Vudar not the LDR. Thomas Mathews 8 Jan 2017
FEDS: Concurs.

By Thomas Mathews (Turtle) on Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 08:54 am: Edit

The following copied from Q&A

Q717.01 Should the Vudar have an APT or PTR to move their Diplomat around? The LDR has 2 APTs and 2 PTRs for moving their Diplomat around.

Q717.02 Should the Vudar have an APT or PTR to move their Diplomat around? The LDR has 2 APTs and 2 PTRs for moving their Diplomat around.

Unless overruled by ADB, in both cases above, the Vudar should have had one APT and one PTR in each Capital Fleet. This was an oversight on my part as I had it in my original notes but I somehow dropped them from the final product.


By John Christiansen (Roscoehatfield) on Monday, June 01, 2020 - 01:00 pm: Edit

In (546.41) TSY SETUP PROCEDURES, should (Only Hive/Nest shps have TSYs. Assault wagons and battle wagons cannot.) read (Only Hive/Nest ships can setup TSYs. Assault wagons and battle wagons cannot.)?

This is from the digital version. I haven't read the paper version.

By Nick Samaras (Koogie) on Saturday, September 05, 2020 - 10:34 pm: Edit

Transportable Shipyards: Does every Tribunal Ship come with one or does the scenario define this? Do the Seltorians forces in (627.0) then have three TSYs (one each on the Hive Ship, Nest Ship, and Battle Wagon)? (Nick Samaras, September 5, 2020).

Does the set up of transportable shipyards cost EP?(Nick Samaras, September 5, 2020).

Can the Seltorians purchase Command Points?(Nick Samaras, September 5, 2020).

Can the Seltorians purchase extra strategic movement? (Nick Samaras, September 5, 2020).

By Chuck Strong (Raider) on Sunday, September 06, 2020 - 04:23 am: Edit

In the ME rulebook...


(546.41) ...(Only Hive/Nest shps have TSYs. Assault wagons and battle wagons cannot.)


Strategic Movement: Two free per turn; may purchase up to two more per turn.

Command Points: Two available at start.

"(308.97) Each race at Wartime or Limited War status can purchase one extra Command Point per turn for five Economic Points and can hold this Command Point for use on a later turn."


By Nick Samaras (Koogie) on Sunday, September 06, 2020 - 12:45 pm: Edit

Chuck; thanks for the quick response however,

STRATEGIC MOVEMENT: Chuck see my post August 3, 2016. "FEDS: Unless overruled by ADB, rule (546.221) is correct and (715.221) needs to be changed to reflect this oversight." Rule (546.221) makes no mention of purchasing additional movements.

FEDS stands corrected.

TRANSPORTABLE SHIPYARD SCHEDULES: Rule (715.12) lists Assault and Battle Wagon augmentation.

COMMAND POINTS: Not every empire can purchase one command point per turn, some empires are limited to one per year (Vudar, LDR). Seltorian rules only list at start points.

By John Christiansen (Roscoehatfield) on Sunday, September 06, 2020 - 01:58 pm: Edit

Nick and Chuck, please forgive my entering your conversation.

Nick, for strategic movement see also (204.35) which allows and limits purchasing strategic movement.

Chuck, you quoted the same rule I questioned in my June 01, 2020 post in this thread, including the misspelled word and incomplete sentence. Nick's question reinforces the importance of my question. If a HS with an undeployed TSY were to convert to a BW, is the TSY lost, or is the BW simply unable to deploy the TSY?

Nick again, rule (715.12) lists Assault and Battle Wagon augmentation after the TSY is deployed at established base planet. It's the TSY schedule irrespective of the HS variant. The same is true of NS variant's TSYs.

By Nick Samaras (Koogie) on Sunday, September 06, 2020 - 02:23 pm: Edit


Yes for rule (204.35). An empire can buy as many moves as originally allowed, but still need the official ruling on how many strategic moves the Seltorians get: two as per (715.221) or three by (546.221).

Transportable Shipyards: I may be missing something but my digital copy of Minor Empires makes no mention of only Hive Ships or Nest Ships in rule (546.4), it only makes reference to STSs.

By John Christiansen (Roscoehatfield) on Sunday, September 06, 2020 - 03:02 pm: Edit

Nick, agreed on the strategic movement point.

From ME digital copy. Look at the small hull/boom stats:

(715.121) HS/HSP/BW/BWP Augmentation:
Spring Turns: M-Hull, 2xS-Hull.
Fall Turns: M-Hull, 2xS-Hull.
M-Booms: Can produce three per year.
S-Booms: Can produce four per turn.
(715.122) NS/NSP/AW/AWP Augmentation:
Spring Turns: M-Hull, S-Hull.
Fall Turns: M-Hull, S-Hull.
M-Booms: Can produce three per year.
S-Booms: Can produce two per turn.

By Nick Samaras (Koogie) on Friday, September 11, 2020 - 05:57 pm: Edit

Seltorian BW counter: Crippled factor is incorrect should be 9-12. (Nick Samaras, September 11, 2020).

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, June 08, 2021 - 03:34 pm: Edit

(325) Reserve Auxiliary Movement: New rules allow Auxiliary ships to be in a Reserve Fleet, but they can only move three hexes. The rules for Reserve Fleets state that a moving reserve fleet must create the minimum number of new battle hexes, and must leave behind the minimum number of ships to satisfy the un-pinning requirements. In a theoretical situation in which there is a reserve fleet including several auxiliaries, a battle that the Reserve Fleet wants to reach which is within range (but beyond three hexes), and a blocking force (within three hexes) which must be passed through, the Reserve Fleet could use its auxiliaries (well, their fighter and PF groups since the auxiliaries themselves do not count for un-pinning the fleet) to clear the pinning in the intervening hex, but only enough of them to clear the pinning. Say that the Reserve Fleet included six ships and four auxiliaries, and the intervening blocking force was two frigates. The Reserve Fleet would have to leave two of the auxiliaries behind in the starting hex (since they cannot reach either the Battle Hex or the Intervening Pin Hex), and could leave two auxiliary carriers in the Intervening Pin Hex where their fighter groups would keep the two frigates busy. Some players wanted to be able to move all four auxiliary carriers (giving the two frigates a really tough fight!) claiming that as "non-ship units" they were exempt from the rule about leaving the minimum number of "ships" behind. Consider (203.742) to refer to "units" instead of "ships".

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, June 08, 2021 - 03:49 pm: Edit

(546.52) MINOR SHIPYARDS: The Seltorians may build a minor shipyard once they establish a base planet. The specific number of minor shipyard facilities are found under (715.22) and cannot exceed two FF and two DD facilities, one minor and one major conversion facility; one CL facility can be built, but only after a medium shipyard is established.

By Thomas Mathews (Turtle) on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 06:36 am: Edit

(546.42) Add at end of rule: Once a TSY is deployed, it is a permanent fixture and cannot be moved. Reason: Conversation quoted below:


By John Christiansen (Roscoehatfield) on Saturday, July 10, 2021 - 12:21 pm: Edit

I'm noticing something about the Seltorian Transportable Shipyard. There are no rules for breaking it down and stowing it for further transportation after it has been deployed. The rules which exist are sufficient for the canon history and breakdown/stowage rules would have been superfluous, but what about player designed campaigns or the theoretical need for it between galaxies?

Is the deployment of the TSY permanent or have the reverse deployment rules not been written?
By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Saturday, July 10, 2021 - 03:59 pm: Edit

We saw no need for them so let's just say it's permanent and move on.

FEDS: Concurs.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 01:52 am: Edit

If Chuck wants to write those I will put them somewhere.

Thomas Mathews 11 July 2021

By John Christiansen (Roscoehatfield) on Monday, August 23, 2021 - 10:16 am: Edit

Turtle, you were a couple hours too fast. I disagree with your suggested change of "(546.42) Add at end of rule: Once a TSY is deployed, it is a permanent fixture and cannot be moved." for two reasons. First is the importance of the TSY to the Seltorian Tribunal mission. Second is a post later in the day.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 08:13 am: Edit

For a workaround in a player design scenario just reverse the set up process. However long whatever cost it was to set it up it is the same to pack it up.


By Daniel Glenn Knipfer (Dgknipfer) on Thursday, March 03, 2022 - 05:13 pm: Edit

(714.22) The LDR are allowed to build up to 3 minor ship yards (1xFF/POL, 1xMP, 1xCW). Per (450.13) minor shipyards may only be built at a Major Planet or SB/SFB that is not their capital or in foreign territory. There are no major planets in LDR territory and the LDR are not allowed to build any base larger than a BTX under (714.22).

Recommend changing (714.22) to allow the LDR to build STB and STX; then adjusting (450.13) to allow minor empires like the LDR to build minor shipyards at a sector base.

Daniel G. Knipfer 3 March 2022

By Daniel Glenn Knipfer (Dgknipfer) on Thursday, March 03, 2022 - 05:17 pm: Edit

(717.22) The Vudar are allowed to build up to 4 minor ship yards (2xFFw, 1xDW, 1xCW) plus 2 minor conversion yards. Per (450.13) minor shipyards and conversion yards may only be built at a Major Planet or SB/SFB that is not their capital or in foreign territory. There are no major planets in Vudar territory other than their capital and the Vudar are not allowed to build any base larger than a STX under (717.22).

Recommend adjusting (450.13) to allow minor empires like the Vudar to build minor shipyards at a sector base.

Daniel G. Knipfer 3 March 2022

By Stewart Frazier (Frazikar3) on Thursday, March 03, 2022 - 07:29 pm: Edit

Might be easier to add that (can build minor shipyards) to their Special Rules (547)/(548) and then add that cross-reference to their OBs ...

By Daniel Glenn Knipfer (Dgknipfer) on Thursday, March 03, 2022 - 09:54 pm: Edit

However the powers that be want to do it.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Friday, March 04, 2022 - 12:10 am: Edit

It would be easier to just let those minor nations build shipyards anywhere they want.

...or as specified by existing rules.


(546.52) MINOR SHIPYARDS: The Seltorians may build a minor shipyard once they establish a base planet. The specific number of minor shipyard facilities are found under (715.22) and cannot exceed two FF and two DD facilities, one minor and one major conversion facility; one CL facility can be built, but only after a medium shipyard is established.

By Daniel Glenn Knipfer (Dgknipfer) on Friday, March 04, 2022 - 06:37 pm: Edit

However you guys want to do it. I recommended letting minor powers build at a STB because that's the next step down from a SB, and the Vudar can at least build those. And recommended changing the rule to let the LDR build STBs because I think the BTS limit simply predates the addition of STBs to the rules.

I certainly understand why the LDR can't build a starbase. Same with the Vudar. I'm just looking for some consistency should additional minor powers be added to the game.

Why the Selts were brought into this I don't know. They get a planet that is, for them, a more than major planet (18ep) where they build shipyards. In fact their rules specify that they can only build minor shipyards once they have their base planet.

No such enabling rule exists for the LDR or Vudar. So really, the existing rules do not specify what to do.

By Daniel Glenn Knipfer (Dgknipfer) on Friday, May 26, 2023 - 10:07 pm: Edit

(717.2) Production under the Vudar Order of Battle lists the Vudar as building CW, DW, and FW ships starting in the spring of Y167; and it does not list CL or DD ships at all. The CW, DW, and FW have year in service dates of Y175 according to the current SIT (and the ME SIT).

Spring Turns Y167-Y171: CW, DW, FW, FF (2xAuxPod).
Fall Turns Y167-Y171: 2xDW, FW, FF (2xAuxPod).
Spring Turns Y172-Y174: CW, 2xDW, FW, 2xFF (2xAuxPod).
Fall Turns Y172-Y174: CW, 2xDW, FW, 2xFF (2xAuxPod).

Allowable substitutions (717.221) and downgrades (717.222) do not allow CL from CW or DD from DW; but do allow FF from FW.

I think that Vudar production prior to Y175 should have had CL and DD in place of CW and DW; and the FW should just be another FF slot. Alternately, perhaps CL should be substitutable for CW, and DD for DW. Unless it is the SIT that needs updating.

FED, when you can confirm with SVC, would like to know which it should be. Thanks.

Edit: Okay, I found the substitution info on the SIT (should open my eyes more), but the OoB does usually have information for frequency. Otherwise down-subs are limited to 2 a turn. I'm pretty sure that these should not be limited prior to Y175.

By Lawrence Bergen (Lar) on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 04:38 pm: Edit

LDR Battalion counter: Correct combat factors exist 3(6) , however the acronym of BTN is absent (actually it is incorrect as it says RGT).

Note: RGT is on the B-side of this counter with the correct factors 6(12) for a Regiment.

L Bergen 30 APRIL 2024

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