Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Prime Directive RPG: PD AFTER ACTION REPORTS: GURPS ROMULANS 4TH EDITION
By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, March 21, 2005 - 01:22 pm: Edit

This topic will (all too soon) be used for after action reports on GURPS ROMULANS.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 05:07 pm: Edit

We printed enough books for the initial shipment, but we just sold the last one of those and started the first reprint.

By Scott Tenhoff (Scottt) on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 05:36 pm: Edit

So should you start changing your "definition" of just what is a "reprint"?

Like from "First batch of xxxx" to "First time we have to reorder covers."?

Since, soon, you announcing that "we're doing another reprint." Is going to sound like chicken-little to us.

We'll just go "Oh, Okay. No big deal."

Congradulations BTW.

By Loren Knight (Loren) on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 12:43 am: Edit

Well, I know I'm the THE finest proof reader there is. There's a lot I don't know about the system and I read slow (although that makes me pretty thurough).

AAR: Back Cover. The first Romulan Emporer was Austus Tal, not Augustus. --Loren Knight 5/3/05

AAR: Page 66, used preleminary concept sketch instead of the finished art piece I sent. Shug... --Loren Knight 5/3/05

AAC: No shortage of credit lines for me on this one! :)

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 10:11 am: Edit

Actually, I liked the concept sketch better.

By Loren Knight (Loren) on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 12:39 pm: Edit

Oh, either or that A-OK. I figured from the big "SUWEET" response that the final piece was your preferd work. But hey, it's always good to get it right the first time, eh? :)

By Stewart W Frazier (Frazikar) on Friday, July 08, 2005 - 08:42 pm: Edit

Couple of small errors -

Page 78 give OF to Romuolan PDUs in Y178, which should be Y181.

Page 98 upgrades the TH to 12 fighters when it has only the 8 from the SUP's internal bay.

By Robert Gilson (Bobcat) on Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 11:40 pm: Edit

Page 64: Dionaeans racial template should cost 63 points not 62.
Also under their advantages 7th line down Lifting ST should cost [9] not [8].
Minor rounding error but it changed the cost of the template.

By Robert Gilson (Bobcat) on Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 11:41 pm: Edit

Page 65: Left side 7 lines down. 2 DR should be 6 DR.

By F. Douglas Wall (Knarf) on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 11:33 pm: Edit

Page 11: Is Careful a quirk or a disadvantage? The warrior template says quirk, but the civilian template says disadvantage.

Page 52-53: Is the name of the planet Vergo or Virgo?

Page 64: The Dionaeans have a number of traits that are not explained in GPD or GR. Some might seem pretty straightforward, but some are downright odd (Vampiric Bite 3?).

Page 81: How does the military Duty listed in the templates intereact with the racial Duty all Romulans have?

Page 82: Replace "Extremely Hazardous Duty" with "Duty (SSA, 15 or less, extremely hazardous)". Also, the enlisted ranks are listed after officer ranks on the rank table.

Page 85: See GPD4e page 76 for how jet attacks work in G4e.

Page 86: The new Malfunction rules (GPD4e page 117) do not contain Crit. or Ver. results, though G4e Basic Set page 280 indicates that a weapon may have a Malf. of 19 or higher, rendering them invulnerable to malfunction unless the Malf. number is reduced by some other circumstance.

Page 86: Replace "flame damage" with "burn damage."

Page 86-87: The Min ST rating in the descriptions of the Plasma Infantry Gun, the Plasma Defense Cannon and the Heavy Defense Laser do not agree with the listing on the table on page 89.

Page 88: Are Romulan bullets 7.62mm or 6.7mm as listed on the table? Or is this one of those "close enough" things? Also, Min ST and recoil are already listed on the table and do not need to be repeated in the descriptions. Especially since the Combat Rifle and Machine Gun recoil figures do not match betweeen the two sources.

Page 88: The underbarrel grenade launcher description refers to the SS stat, which no longer exists in G4e. The closest thing to it is Bulk, which may be used, but the underbarrel grenade launcher in G4e Basic Set does not penalize the parent weapon's Bulk.

Page 89: None of the laser weapons have an armor divisor? Odd. For the 10mm weapons, the pi+ damage type replaces the "+" modifier, which can be removed. Also, recoil works differently in G4e, so the value must be at least 1.

With Plasma weapons doing combination burn/corrosion damage, that makes for an interesting combat dynamic, since corrosion damage reduces DR and burn damage has a chance to set things on fire. Unfortunately, this is not made clear to the GPDer, who does not have access to the "Setting things on fire" rules or the rules on how corrosion ablates DR. (-1 DR for every 5 points of basic corrosion damage)

Page 90: Armor Piercing rounds do 4d(2) pi+ damage. Armor Piercing Sabot rounds do 4d(2) pi- damage. Explosive: 4d-4 (.5) pi with a follow-up 3d burn. The 3d burn is a compromise that is between the 1d and 1dx5 described and also gives a 50% chance of igniting flammable things according to the "setting things on fire" rules on G4e Basic Set page 433. See GPD4e page 76 for rules on follow-up attacks. Shot: See GPD4e page 117 for shotgun rules. Suggested correction: Damage 1d pi-, RoF 1x4. Solid Slug: Damage 4d pi++.

Why not just use the Polearm skill for the Lan-Tar-Pak? Either way, the skill should be listed as DX/A (for Polearm) or DX/Hard (for it's own skill), not Physical.

By F. Douglas Wall (Knarf) on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 11:36 pm: Edit

On the cover in the lower left corner, the logo reads "Star Fleet Battles Captain's Edition" instead of "Star Fleet Universe."

Page 143: I don't know what I did to deserve it, but thank you very much for listing my name here.

By F. Douglas Wall (Knarf) on Saturday, November 26, 2005 - 05:50 pm: Edit

Page 11: Both Romulan templates should replace Duty with Sense of Duty. This is more a typo than anything else. This typo originally appeared in the GPD4e main book.

By Ryan Opel (Ryan) on Sunday, November 06, 2016 - 01:45 am: Edit

Page 141: Civilian, affiliated House Member. Notes: Patrol should be Patron. Ryan J Opel 6 Nov 2016

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