PD20M After Action Reports

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Prime Directive RPG: PD AFTER ACTION REPORTS: PD20M After Action Reports
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This topic is to report actual errors, not to discuss how something could have been done differently or to ask for clarifications. Omissions such as the age chart for the Klingons are also fair game, but it should be clear that we forgot them, not that we chose to omit them (such as the species in GURPS PD that are not here). You may want to discuss it in the PD20M topic, then report it here.
By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Monday, November 17, 2008 - 10:59 am: Edit

So far I have the following:

A typo on p. 38, Column 2, Line 2. Add a space between and temporarily. Reported By Loren Knight by email.


The need to create an aging chart for Klingons. Reported by JE Goodrich on the FC Forum.


p. 74. Add Profession (Wis) to the Merchant Class Skills. Reported by James Cain via email.


p. 138. Circle Trigon. Federation needs to be changed to ISC. Reported by Gary Carney on the FC Forum.

By James Cain (Jcain) on Monday, November 17, 2008 - 01:34 pm: Edit

Regarding the Circle Trigon correction, I think the error came from page 163 of PD (4th ed) having the same error. I do not have PD d20, but I suspect the same error may be present there as well.

By Charles Chapel (Ctchapel) on Sunday, April 05, 2009 - 03:24 pm: Edit


I just got the book and was going over the errata sheet. I noticed that Leeybyahh under "A Few Interesting Planets" page 138 is also missing the "-" between class and M.

The description of the "Prospecting Shuttle" page 173 has two that I noticed.

First paragraph, second sentance:
"Most are single-sized, a few a double-sized."
The second "a" should be "are".

The fifth paragraph, second sentence reads:
"... but boom arm of this ..."
This should read:
"...but the boom arm of this..."

Charles Chapel

By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Sunday, April 05, 2009 - 07:26 pm: Edit

Charles, thanks for the second two catches. Nice work!

The first one is not really an error. It is related to this type of construction:

The bent-out-of-shape prospector pointed his phaser at us! (Words that make an adjective before a noun get hyphenated, thus "It is a Class-M planet.")

All Charles asked is, "What has you bent out of shape? (Words that do not come before the noun they describe are not hyphenated, thus "The planet is Class M.")

Does that help?


By Charles Chapel (Ctchapel) on Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 02:30 am: Edit


This time it's about psionics.

Psionic Skills, page 89, first sentence:

"The following psionic skills are always considered to be class skills providing you meet the prerequsites for the skill: otherwise, it is not learnable."

Psionic Talent, Benefit, third sentence, page 109:

"All psionic skills count as cross-class skills for all species except Vulcans."

Which of these is correct? I favor the feat description.

Charles Chapel

p.s. What happened to the other posts?

By Charles Chapel (Ctchapel) on Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 02:33 am: Edit

Nevermind the p.s. part. When I posted they appeared. Go figure.

Charles Chapel

By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 05:48 am: Edit

Charles, p. 89 is not correct. It should be "The following psionic skills are always considered to be cross-class skills providing you meet the prerequsites for the skill: otherwise, it is not learnable."



By Jacob Karpel (Psybomb) on Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 10:57 am: Edit

I have one major thing to note (I sent my main list to Jean already). It's the Mynieni. While the inclusion of a non-humanoid was a good choice, it is explicitly stated in its description to have 24 effective limbs which are not explicitly legs or arms, but usable as either. Unless i'm greatly mistaken (and I might be, since I'm more familiar with the Fantasy D20 systems), this makes them absurd grapplers (+22 to the check) and effectively unable to be pushed around by anything that can't carry them (same bonus to resist push/knockdown). Anything that tries to carry them will be subject to grapple as well.

By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Friday, May 15, 2009 - 12:19 am: Edit

Hi Jacob, and welcome! I'm so very glad you took the effort to find us and to send me the detailed report.

Humans do get bennies that the other species don't get. Skill points (p. 48) are one. The d20 Modern Rulebook states on p. 231 that non-humans gain only one feat at level 1, so that helps balance things.

Grapple (in d20 Modern is based on the base attack bonus + Strength modifier + grapple modifier (which is based on size)) doesn't appear to be affected by number of limbs, unless one is a Strong Hero and took the brawler Talent Tree. "Disable" specifically menntions number of limbs. Remember, they are -4 to strength, so grappling isn't going to be their strong suit. Remember also, sunlight (normal light) will do Bad Things to their abilities.

By Jacob Karpel (Psybomb) on Monday, May 18, 2009 - 09:23 pm: Edit

Ok, that's a distinct relief. I'd noted the -4 strength, but -2 to grapples was insignificant against the bonuses I'd thought were there. Only thing to see about now is them being able to shoot massive salvos if they get their hands on enough one-handed shooting weapons. Not nearly as bad since this one would require extreme DM compliance (I can't picture Star Fleet issuing 10 Phaser-IIs to one officer, no matter how good a shot), but I'm just looking for ways to break the system open, as per your request.

In case it seems like I'm really picking at the Mynieni, it's just the inner powerbroker in me seeing 24 limbs and multidexterity. Anyone with a bent for this kind of creation is going to see it too.

By Gary Carney (Nerroth) on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 04:33 pm: Edit

This is a similar issue to one raised for the GURPS version, but re-posted here with PD20M-specific data.

On page 120, the Progress Level dates listed for the ISC are Y25 for PL7, Y60 for PL8, Y120 for PL9, Y168 for PL10 and Y182 for PL10+.

However, going by the data in Module Y2, PL7 might be -Y175 (the era in which the five planets first developed Non-Tactical Warp), PL8 Y10 (when the Veltressai developed Tactical Warp drive) and PL9 Y81 (when the first Y-era starship entered service with the unified Inter-Stellar Concordium Navy).

Also, given that a range of PL10 ships entered service in Y160, I might suggest that this date, rather than Y168, be more appropriate for said entry.

By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 05:04 pm: Edit

Hi everyone! A revised version of the Prime Directive PD20 Modern Supplement has been uploaded.

Back when I was working on it, we found out the Galactic Survey Cruiser USS Magellan had not yet been built when it supposedly discovered the Deians. We found the next candidate, the USS Darwin. Just recently Steven Petrick dug into those old Air Force tapes and found out there was a precursor to the Galactic Survey Cruiser, which we dubbed the Old Galactic Survey Cruiser. (Of course, when it was commissioned, it was called the Galactic Survey Cruiser.) The USS Magellan that contacted the Deians was that version of the Galactic Survey Cruiser. The confusion stemmed from the reuse of the name for the (new) Galactic Survey Cruiser.

Anyway, the PDF has been corrected.

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