Free RPG day 2011: Starship Aldo

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Prime Directive RPG: NEW KINDS OF RPG PRODUCTS: Free RPG day 2011: Starship Aldo
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Every year, a guy named Aldo organized Free RPG day and some years we sign up to do a 16-page Prime Directive adventure.

We have previously done Planet Aldo and Dread Pirate Aldo. This year's will be Starship Aldo
By Jean Sexton (Jsexton) on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - 09:29 pm: Edit

Starship Aldo was one of those things that was fun to watch come together. While doing the research for it, we discovered a new planet, people who must have had exciting adventures, and a mystery for our characters to explore. What could be better?

Well, to have it for you on e23?

Your swashbuckling team of ex-military types is trying to make a living in the wreckage of the General War, always on the lookout for a score big enough for you to retire. You find some wreckage, which turns out to be the top four decks of some kind of freighter. You can see burned lettering on the side, but can read only the letters "aldo". So, is this the cargo ship Geraldo Rivera, the armed auxiliary warship Aguinaldo, or the luxury liner Waldorf Astoria, all of which were lost in this area during the General War?

This is a 16-page adventure for Prime Directive with weapons and characters for PD20M and GURPS plus deck plans of the Aldo ... well, of what's left of the Aldo.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Please don't forget to rate it.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 - 01:27 pm: Edit

Starship Aldo was a very fun product to design. I got to write up character backgrounds (and leave the fiddly stat crunching to others), draw deck plans, and create die roll tables to determine what was in each compartment.

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