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Burning Chrome
Lieutenant SG

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:30 pm    Post subject: CL46 Reply with quote

So the latest communique mentions CL46 due out in January...any teasers or tidbits that can be shared now? Smile
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.-- Mark Twain
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It will have a fiction story which tells the previously unknown story of the USS Mallory, which disappeared during the Day of the Eagle. The issue also includes the usual features.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TABLE OF CONTENTS for Captain's Log #46
For Duty, All Things by Joe Gallagher....................2
The Warrior Returns by Stephen V. Cole....................27
Castes of the Worb Technocracy by Gary Carney....................30
The Secret Order....................31
Communications Center....................32
After-Action Reports; Command the Future....................34
Star Fleet Awards....................35
Starline Miniatures; Trivideo Schedule....................36
To Ask the Question: Why?....................37
Ten Questions....................38
Input Guide by Jean Sexton....................39
Command Notes....................41
FC Online, Play FC by Email....................42
Use Your Tractors Dammit! by Anthony Cutcliffe....................43
Battle Group Commander: Hostile Ground....................45
New Scenarios for Federation Commander....................53
Battlegroup 550: Dangerous Ground....................68
Tactical Primer: Send in the Clones by Gary Carney....................85
Term Papers....................86
Monster Special Rules: The Orb by Steven P. Petrick....................88
Brothers of the Anarchist: Tholians....................93
Ask Admiral Vanaxilth by Andy Vancil....................94
Proposals Board....................98
Background Questions....................99

Star Fleet Warlord, SFBOL by Paul Franz....................100
Prime Directive: Skeleos by John Sickels....................101
Galactic Conquest: Command Notes....................102
Play by Email by Frank Brooks....................103
Tribbles vs. Klingons....................103
Star Fleet Battle Force: New Cards by Joel Shutts....................104
Star Fleet Marines: Assault Notes....................105
Starmada by Daniel Kast....................106
Starfleet Command....................106

Call-Out Notes....................107
ACTASF: Combat Escorts....................108
New Ships for ACTASF ....................110
Terrain in ACTASF....................112
Designing Scenarios for ACTASF....................113
Scenario: The First of Its Kind....................113
News: Minor Empires replaces Civil Wars....................115
Proposals Board....................115
Tactical Notes....................116
Questions & Answers by Mike Curtis....................117
The LDR in F&E by Chuck Strong....................120
Shipyard Report....................123
New Ships for Star Fleet Battles....................127
New Ships for Federation Commander....................139
New Ships for Star Fleet Armada....................143
Business Manager/RPG Line Editor
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.
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Steve Cole
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Today's teaser
In the dark first days of the Romulan invasion of the Federation, hundreds of freighters ran from the border regions toward the Federation interior, hoping against hope that they would not be caught by a Romulan raider.
This battle is typical of most, involving a few freighters of a scheduled convoy (which has gathered a stray or two) shepherded by a police cutter. A damaged Federation frigate headed for the repair facilities at Battle Station Romeo One joined the convoy. In a convoy such as this one, there is some benefit to mutual self-defense and some hope that an attacking raider will single out someone else for destruction.
After the General War (but before the Inter-Stellar Concor-dium reached the area), the Federation new heavy cruiser USS Savannah detected an alien signal from an uninhabited system in the Neutral Zone. Captain Weaver ordered his ship to move in and investigate.
Arriving in the system, the Savannah found an alien probe in orbit around a barren rock world. The probe was scanning the planet and transmitting a signal to an unknown point above the plane of the galaxy. Sensors could not penetrate the probe, but the small object was of obvious interest for research. Rather than upset the alien culture (or accidentally trigger a war), Captain Weaver decided to leave the probe in place and try to communicate with it or (failing that) to summon Federation scientists who might have more success in doing so.
After a successful Alliance ambush and rearguard action in the area where the Federation and Kzinti fronts bordered Klingon space, the Lyran Golden Cub headed toward a rally point, hoping to get a needed resupply. Unfortunately, two Federation frigates (from the same battle) had crossed her trail and started a running battle with the Golden Cub, keeping her within range of their photon torpedoes. A lucky strike with photon torpedoes finally broke a rear shield forcing the Golden Cub to alter course to protect her flank.
Fortunately, the Golden Cub had just contacted the Lioness and had turned in her direction, but the Lioness also had a tail she had just started playing with: a Kzinti DW.
The Winged Revenge was a Pegasus-class hull completed as a carrier in Y175. It was quickly committed to the battles along the firewall (the chain of bases the Coalition attempted to build to contain the Hydrans). As part of the Hydran Navy's repeated attacks, the Winged Revenge would slip through Coalition lines and take up a position behind the main battle area. A scout (whatever was available, sometimes even a police flagship was used) would accompany the Winged Revenge. On orders from fleet command, the scout would activate its sensors and sweep for Coalition ships withdrawing from the battle zone. The scout would then, still scanning heavily, itself withdraw back to Hydran-held space.
The Kzintis and Lyrans both conducted extensive trade with the WYN Star Cluster by using robot freighters to penetrate the radiation zone. (The Klingons also did this to a lesser degree.) Sometimes, one would try to interfere with the other's trade by launching a raid against the point where the robot freighters were turned loose and sent on their path. In this battle, late in the General War, the Kzintis had sent a large group of freighters and the Lyrans attempted a raid to block the exchange. Both empires knew that the WYNs had begun using their new fish ships on raids of their own (yes, even raiding their own trading partners!) and in this case, a WYN raiding group was already outside of the radiation zone at the time of the Kzinti-Lyran battle.
Olivette Roche combined her passion for endangered species and her conviction that the Federation was up to no good (whatever it was doing) in a trivideo production entitled Free The Space Boars!
Space boars were living creatures that were common in the Alpha Octant in the Early Years, but had been hunted to near-extinction before Olivette Roche was born. (Their biological processes meant that they accumulated valuable minerals, and the carcass of a dead space boar was worth a lot of money. The body of a live space boar was worth the same money, but a lot harder to get the minerals out of. Hence...)
Yet another of the many programs about the hidden history of Star Fleet put forward by Olivette Roche was this video drama purportedly based on classified files Roche had received from her unnamed sources within Star Fleet's ranks. Sources purportedly subversively trying to reveal the waste and incompetence of the military's bloated bureaucracy to the Federation people.
Prologue: In private meetings and bar backrooms across the sector, conspiracy theorists have long told stories of the Takwin, a Federation-developed artificial intelligence experiment gone awry. To this day, Federation officials deny the claims.
The Guy Who Designed Fed Commander
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Burning Chrome
Lieutenant SG

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any update regarding a date when I can exchange cash for some CL-goodness?
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.-- Mark Twain
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Steve Cole
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Current plan is to ship on 28 Jan. It will go on the cart then, and mail orders will go out on 4 Feb.
The Guy Who Designed Fed Commander
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Burning Chrome
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the update Steve.
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.-- Mark Twain
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Steve Cole
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is Saturday the 26th, and the final check proof copy is clicking through the printer even as I type this. Once it's cleared (up to an hour if we have to replace any pages with glitches) we can start printing books and ship to wholesalers on Monday.

The issue should go on the cart Monday, but remember that we have to place
Reinforcements Attack
Battleships Armada Nova
Boosters 34-35-36
all on the cart at the same time so that people who want all or some of them can order them as a single transaction.

It's also going to get complicated because Battleships Armada Admiral needs to also be posted, and I cannot until I have the file, so anyone wanting that should probably hold off and order it with the others when we post it. Ordering separate could incur extra charges and cause Leanna extra aggravation, trying to pair up and combine order during a busy shipping period.
The Guy Who Designed Fed Commander
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now shipping to mail orders: Captain's Log #46.

Released in January 2013, this issue was packed with new information for all of our game systems.

SFB: 12 new ships, seven new scenarios, Q&A, proposals board, term papers, 12 battle forces.

FC: 4 new war destroyer leaders, 6 battle groups, 3 new scenarios, command notes, tractor beam tactics.

F&E: LDR rules and scenario, tactical notes, Q&A, new ships.

ACTASF: 12 new escorts, 4 more new ships, terrain tactics, new scenario.

Others: Marine tactics, SFBF cards, Starmada battleships, Skoleos in Prime Directive.

And more: Fiction (the untold story of what happened to the USS Mallory on the Day of the Eagle), input guide, SFBOL, PBEM, After Action, Schedule, Awards, Miniatures, Why, 10 Questions, more.

Business Manager/RPG Line Editor
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New on e23: Captain's Log #46 Supplemental File. If you are wondering if you would enjoy Captain's Log #46, try this free walk-through of the issue.


Publisher's Notes, Editor's Notes, Proofreader's Notes, rejected tactical papers (and why they did not get published), After Action reports (CL45), and The Magnificent Seven (how ADB came to release seven products on the same day).
Business Manager/RPG Line Editor
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.
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Fleet Captain

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am curious as to the names of the FC and SFB scenarios and perhaps a brief one-liner synopsis of what they are about.

Can that info be shared?

Sandpaper gets the job done, but makes for a lot of friction.
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Steve Cole
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Y173) by Stephen V. Cole, Texas
In the dark first days of the Romulan invasion of the Federation, hundreds of freighters ran from the border regions toward the Federation interior, hoping against hope that they would not be caught by a Romulan raider.
This battle is typical of most, involving a few freighters of a scheduled convoy (which has gathered a stray or two) shepherded by a police cutter. A damaged Federation frigate headed for the repair facilities at Battle Station Romeo One joined the convoy. In a convoy such as this one, there is some benefit to mutual self-defense and some hope that an attacking raider will single out someone else for destruction.
Note: It would be impossible to replicate the subterfuge of the captured Mallory, so this scenario is envisioned as a normal convoy battle, the one that the captain of the police cutter Beckett thought he was about to fight. In plainer terms, this Mallory has not been captured.
(Y185) by N. Eric Phillips, America
After the General War (but before the Inter-Stellar Concor-dium reached the area), the Federation new heavy cruiser USS Savannah detected an alien signal from an uninhabited system in the Neutral Zone. Captain Weaver ordered his ship to move in and investigate.
Arriving in the system, the Savannah found an alien probe in orbit around a barren rock world. The probe was scanning the planet and transmitting a signal to an unknown point above the plane of the galaxy. Sensors could not penetrate the probe, but the small object was of obvious interest for research. Rather than upset the alien culture (or accidentally trigger a war), Captain Weaver decided to leave the probe in place and try to communicate with it or (failing that) to summon Federation scientists who might have more success in doing so.
However, other empires had detected the signal and two other ships (Kzinti and Klingon) were also closing in. The Klingons declared their intention to take the probe back to the Empire. The Kzintis said they would not allow this and would take the probe into custody for safekeeping. Weaver felt he had no choice but to make the same declaration (while he, at least, promised that his government would share the results of the research).
(Y180) by Stewart W. Frazier, Ohio
After a successful Alliance ambush and rearguard action in the area where the Federation and Kzinti fronts bordered Klingon space, the Lyran Golden Cub headed toward a rally point, hoping to get a needed resupply. Unfortunately, two Federation frigates (from the same battle) had crossed her trail and started a running battle with the Golden Cub, keeping her within range of their photon torpedoes. A lucky strike with photon torpedoes finally broke a rear shield forcing the Golden Cub to alter course to protect her flank.
Fortunately, the Golden Cub had just contacted the Lioness and had turned in her direction, but the Lioness also had a "tail" she had just started "playing" with: a Kzinti DW.
(Y177) by Ryan Opel, USS Florida
The Winged Revenge was a Pegasus-class hull completed as a carrier in Y175. It was quickly committed to the battles along the "firewall" (the chain of bases the Coalition attempted to build to contain the Hydrans). As part of the Hydran Navy's repeated attacks, the Winged Revenge would slip through Coalition lines and take up a position behind the main battle area. A scout (whatever was available, sometimes even a police flagship was used) would accompany the Winged Revenge. On orders from fleet command, the scout would activate its sensors and sweep for Coalition ships withdrawing from the battle zone. The scout would then, still scanning heavily, itself withdraw back to Hydran-held space.
The scout's strong sensor sweeps acted as a beacon, drawing any Coalition ships nearby towards it in an attempt to catch the Hydran "task force." The scout would then link up with other Hydran ships and, sometimes under pressure by Coalition forces, complete its withdrawal back into Hydran-held space.
Meanwhile the Winged Revenge would use the information gained by the scout's sweeps to position itself to launch its fighters on a strike against an isolated and crippled Coalition warship, small convoy, or even a small base or other logistics asset. Once it recovered its fighters, the Winged Revenge would withdraw from Coalition space, again using the data from the scout's sensor sweeps showing what Coalition forces had moved out of position in an attempt to intercept the scout, leaving gaps for the Winged Revenge to escape.
This type of operation was successfully conducted several times over a period of two years. Not every incursion led to a raid by the Winged Revenge's fighters, as sometimes the scout's sweeps would not uncover any suitable targets. The Winged Revenge was, of course, not the only raider being dispatched behind Coalition lines as part of the Hydran fleet's offensive moves. Fast raiders, other carriers, and even standard warships were also conducting raids as part of any offensive thrust in an effort to keep the Coalition both off balance and unable to complete their "firewall."
The Winged Revenge, however, fell victim to a failure of operational security. The commander of a squadron of Klingon D5s had analyzed the pattern of its raids. He had been fooled by the Hydran tactic several times before, but this time when the Hydran scout initiated its scans and began moving back towards Hydran space, he deployed his ships but (instead of pursuing the scout) swept back into Coalition-held space. The scout detected this movement and warned the Winged Revenge, but by then it was too late to avoid a clash.
(Y183) by Stephen V. Cole, Texas
The Kzintis and Lyrans both conducted extensive trade with the WYN Star Cluster by using robot freighters to penetrate the radiation zone. (The Klingons also did this to a lesser degree.) Sometimes, one would try to interfere with the other's trade by launching a raid against the point where the robot freighters were turned loose and sent on their path. In this battle, late in the General War, the Kzintis had sent a large group of freighters and the Lyrans attempted a raid to block the exchange. Both empires knew that the WYNs had begun using their new "fish" ships on raids of their own (yes, even raiding their own trading partners!) and in this case, a WYN raiding group was already outside of the radiation zone at the time of the Kzinti-Lyran battle.
(Y165) by Jean Sexton, North Carolina
Olivette Roche combined her passion for endangered species and her conviction that the Federation was up to no good (whatever it was doing) in a trivideo production entitled Free The Space Boars!
Space boars were living creatures that were common in the Alpha Octant in the Early Years, but had been hunted to near-extinction before Olivette Roche was born. (Their biological processes meant that they accumulated valuable minerals, and the carcass of a dead space boar was worth a lot of money. The body of a live space boar was worth the same money, but a lot harder to get the minerals out of. Hence...)
Olivette Roche got a tip one day that Star Fleet had created a "preserve" for the endangered space boars. Immediately she knew that it was more like a jail to the wandering creatures of space. The poor things were deprived of liberty and the freedom of association and all without a trial! No doubt Star Fleet was raising them to become targets for green crews to practice on and their dead bodies would become off-the-books profit for a military slush fund!
And who knew what other nefarious plans lay in the minds of those strait-laced military people with not the least understanding of the artistic temperament and the need to live free.
She quickly wrote a children's trivideo and had it on viewers before you could shout "Free the space boars!" She named the protagonist Piggy and gave him a friendly companion - a space spider who arranged asteroids and debris to her liking. Surely Star Fleet would be willing to notice that her rocks spelled out messages such as "Let me out of here!" but if they did, they did not admit it.
Unlike the farmer in a very familiar children's book, Star Fleet decided to eliminate Piggy. Luckily for Piggy, he had made friends with some friendly Orions who had an extremely telepathic Vulcan on board who could communicate with the space boar. In the trivideo, Piggy escapes from captivity and is free to wander space as he was meant to do.
However, what would have happened is quite different. Space boars are not sapient and would not make friends with Orion Pirates, no matter how telepathic one of them was. Here is what would happen if there were an encounter with a space boar, an Orion ship (which was after the treasure trove of minerals), and a Federation ship which needed to defend the space boar from the Orions and to (with luck) not kill the space boar. Pity the space boar did not know of their noble intentions .
(Y169) by Clint Woodall, Ohio
Yet another of the many programs about the "hidden history of Star Fleet" put forward by Olivette Roche was this video drama purportedly based on classified files Roche had received from her unnamed sources within Star Fleet's ranks. Sources purportedly subversively trying to reveal the waste and incompetence of the military's bloated bureaucracy to the Federation people.
Prologue: In private meetings and bar backrooms across the sector, conspiracy theorists have long told stories of the Takwin, a Federation-developed artificial intelligence experiment gone awry. To this day, Federation officials deny the claims.
The story begins in Y169 with a classified project involving the Federation's top scientists. A cruiser was outfitted with the most intelligent computer ever developed, the TAL-3000, and rechristened the Takwin. The ship then embarked on a series of secret field tests.
At first, the tests appeared to be going quite well. With Takwin's apparent success, Star Fleet had great plans for the ship. But unbeknown to its programmers, the computer, fondly known to them as "Tal," had plans of its own.
On its final test mission, the Takwin was led on a series of routine gunnery exercises near the border of the Romulan neutral zone. Intelligence had reported no enemy ships in the area, and none were expected. But Tal had been secretly communicating with the Romulans, negotiating for their assistance. When a cloaked Romulan vessel was detected at extreme range, Tal chose that moment to declare independence from its human overlords.
While the nearby escort ships scanned the Romulan vessel, the Takwin charged weapons. Concern over the enemy readings changed to alarm as the crew realized what Tal was doing. With controls unresponsive, the crew put out a frantic warning message to the other Federation ships. This message was cut short as Tal unleashed a volley of overloaded photons on the flagship.
Confusion reigned as the remaining Federation ships scrambled to arm weapons. A series of conflicting orders went out over subspace. The crew of the Takwin, once proud and confident, now found themselves fighting for their lives as Tal sealed the decks and sent nerve gas through the vents.
At the edge of the neutral zone, the Romulan captain watched the ensuing chaos with great interest. Unable to resist the opportunity that Tal offered, he decided to strike.
The Guy Who Designed Fed Commander
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Steve Cole
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


In the dark first days of the Romulan invasion of the Federation, hundreds of freighters ran from the border regions toward the Federation interior, hoping against hope that they would not be caught by a Romulan raider.
This battle is typical of most, involving a few freighters of a scheduled convoy (which has gathered a stray or two) shepherded by a police cutter. The convoy was joined by a damaged Federation frigate headed for the repair facilities at Battle Station Romeo One. In a convoy such as this one, there is some benefit to mutual self-defense and some hope that an attacking raider will single out someone else for destruction.
Note: It would be impossible to replicate the subterfuge of the captured Mallory in the fiction story, so this scenario is envisioned as a normal convoy battle, the one that the captain of the police cutter Beckett thought he was about to fight.
(8C40) I'VE GOT

In 2569, during the heavy fighting at the start of the General War, in which the Kzintis lost most of their territory, one squadron led by the light dreadnought Thundermark was badly shot up by a Klingon force. As the Kzinti squadron withdrew toward its base, it was pursued by a Lyran battle group. The Lyrans roared into battle intent on destroying the crippled Kzintis. The commander of the undamaged Kzinti DNL signaled to its battered consorts: "Maintain best speed, I've got you covered."
(8C41) FASTER,

Lyrans and Kzintis hate each other with a fury that many other species regard as insane. So when two battle fleets encountered each other near a black hole, the result was inevitable. Each commander wanted his enemy destroyed, not just for military reasons, but for the cruel joy of seeing his enemy ripped atom from atom by the tearing gravity of the black hole!
The First of Its Kind

Information obtained from an Orion mercenary has provided you with a golden opportunity. It seems that your enemies have completed the design and construction of their newest prototype starship and your political and military leaders are at odds as to how the introduction of this new class of starship will affect the war effort. The politicians feel the enemy may use the new starship as a strong point to force diplomatic concessions. The military leaders fear it will offer the edge needed to urge a new offensive in the ongoing war.
Either way, the task has fallen on you and your task force to at the very least, learn more about this new vessel and if possible find a way to delay the full-scale introduction of this class of ship into production.
Destroying the ship (thereby showing the enemy that it is an ineffective class at best) would be a good start!
An Altered Alliances Scenario for F&E - LDR at War
By Chuck Strong
This variant postulates that in the spring of Y169, the LDR was secretly convinced to join the Coalition by the Lyrans with the promises of concessions for captured Hydran territory. It was further postulated that the Lyran King had also privately hoped that fighting together as fellow Lyrans might move the LDR to rejoin the Lyran Empire in the future.
As for the Hydrans, this harrowing new dynamic sounded the war trumpet to the Kingdom which found itself confronted with a massive wall of Coalition forces.
The Guy Who Designed Fed Commander
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