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Fedcom X-Cam Rules

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Joined: 23 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:48 am    Post subject: Fedcom X-Cam Rules Reply with quote

Hey all I wanted to share these campaign rules I converted to Federation Commander from a B5 campaign. This campaign is called an X-cam or expansion campaign and it seems pretty simple. I am most of the way complete with the conversion and wanted to get some ideas and input from you guys. My friend Dave told me about this campaign system and he heard about it on a podcast called the D6 generation. The campaign systems designer is noted.

Federation Commander Expansion Campaign version 0.1
Derived from rules by Russ Wakelin

Incoming Transmission
Welcome to the Gamma Xi Sector, Commander. You have been tasked with taking control of this space in the name of our government. Initially you will only have a small patrol force. Prove the system is worth our while and you will be given additional resources. If you do well, I see honor, glory, and promotions ahead of you. Do poorly, and I’ll have you commanding a garbage hauler for the rest of your pathetic career. We understand each other, yes?

To fulfill your orders you must take actions. Each action is really just playing a game against an
opponent or opponents. The type of action you take will dictate the type of game you play:

· Perform Recon: Players engage in small battles to gain Recon points. Recon points represent
how much ‘intelligence’ your fleet has gained on the sector, enemy positions, and assets.

· Gain Strategic Advantage: Once they have enough Recon points players may spend them to
engage in larger battles to gain Strategic points. Strategic points represent your offensive
position in the sector. The more Strategic points you have, the better positioned you are to make
a critical strike and establish control.

· Establish Control: Players that have gained a strong strategic position by accumulating Strategic points are now ready to spend those points to coordinate large engagements, such as Planetary
Assaults and Space Station Attacks, to gain Control points. Control points represent how much
dominance your fleet has in the sector.

Recon points and Strategic points are simply a means to an end. Throughout the Expansion Campaign
(X-Cam) players will gain and loose these points. You will always be returning to Recon actions to gain
back Recon points, and spending those points on Strategic actions to gain Strategic points. These, in
turn, are spent on Control actions to gain Control points.

Unlike Recon and Strategic points, you don’t spend Control points. Control points increase your rank,
give you access to refits, and most importantly: The first player to gain 5 Control points will win the Xcam. If two (or more) players both get to 5 control points within a week of each other, they fight a 1,000 point Duel scenario to break the tie (there is no disengagement). May the great maker help them.

Choose your government
When you sign up for the X-Cam you must select which government you will serve. If you start playing the X-Cam and find you don’t like your choice, you may change it at any time by starting over. Starting over means that all your Recon, Strategic, and Control points are reset to zero.

Special options:
Nothing yet.

How you play:
1. Find an opponent. I recommend bribery with Soda. That seems to work on me.
2. Challenge your opponent to an action. You may only choose an action that you can afford based
on your current status in the X-Cam. (see Action costs)
3. Roll scenario on the scenario table for the chosen action.
4. Determine Scenario, and Attacker based on scenario and Action rules below.
5. Build your fleet (notice you know your opponent, the scenario, and point value)
6. Apply Veteran Upgrades. (See Below)
7. Play the game.
8. Determine how many Recon/Strategic/Control points you gained and spent. Your opponent does
the same.
9. Send your results to the X-cam organizer. Send your action, the points you spent, and any points
you earned.
You can play any number of games in a week, and you can play the same opponent any number of

Participating in the X-Cam is very simple. Find an opponent and challenge him to a game. Issuing a
challenge is an “Action.” The type of action, or challenge, you can issue depends on both your current
points (Recon, Strategic, etc) and, in some cases, your opponent’s points. There is no worrying about
maps, or game turns, or requirements to battle specific opponents. Just find someone, challenge them to
an action, and play. The following is the list of actions:

Recon Action:
You need more info on what is out there. Deploy some recon forces and scout the area. Report back
with your findings. You must get home with the information at all costs.
Reasons to challenge someone:
Gain Recon points equal to scored Victory Points /2(round up).
Reasons to accept challenge:
Gain Recon points equal to scored VP /3(round up).
Action Info:
Cost: Free
Opponent: Anyone! 2-4 players may participate in a single Recon Action (The multiplayer scenario chart just hasn't been built yet Very Happy ).
Fleet Size: Use scenario, if random no ship with a move cost higher then 1/2
Attacker/Defender: Roll 2D6. High score is attacker.
Scenario Table:
If 2 Players, roll 2D6 and consult the table below
Roll Scenario Notes

2 – 5 RECONN 8CM8 The Stasis Box,8CM27 First and Future Shock, 8KL Derelict
6 SEARCH AND RESCUE 8TA2 Ares is Down, 8B108 Landing Party
8 POLICE ACTION 8B103 The Coming of The Meteor, 8PA3 Police Action
9 – 10 AMBUSH 8B101 Sabotage, 8RA3 The Art of Duty
11 – 12 ESCAPE 8B113 The Critical Hit, 8RA9 Practice, Practice and Then What...?

Strategic Action:
You’ve gathered information on the critical locations of enemy supplies and key vessels. It’s time to
move in and hit them where it hurts.
Reasons to Challenge Someone:
Gain Strategic Points equal to scored VP /2
Reasons to Accept Challenge:
Gain Strategic Points equal to scored VP/4 AND Recon points equal to V4. Accepting a challenge offers less strategic point potential, but you can gain Strategic Points without spending Recon points. You also pick up some Recon points, so there is little reason to say no.

Action Info
Cost: Challenger pays 30 Recon Points, Defender pays nothing
Opponent: Any one other player.
Fleet Size: Use Scenario, if random no move cost higher then 1.
Attacker/Defender: Challenger is the attacker
Scenario Table:
Roll 2D6, then consult the table below.

2 – 5 DISRUPT SUPPLY ROUTE 8PA2 Race to The Base,8KG Refueling Roulette, 8E The Iridima Convoy
6 CAPTURE THE SYSTEM , 8KJ Showdown at Grimrock
8 ASSASINATION 8RA2 And To The Republic,
9 – 10 PREVENT ENEMY FOOTHOLD 8KEAttack on Battlestation K-3, 8RA Mobile Base X-ray
11 – 12 DIVERSIONARY TACTICS 8BA7 Death of The Star Cougar, 8RA1 The Surprise Reversed

Control Action:
We have them now! You have scouted out enemy positions, established a strong strategic position, and
you are now ready to strike. Time to move in the big guns.
Designer Note: This action places restrictions on who you can challenge in addition to a cost for the challenge. This is done
for two reasons. From a “fluff” perspective an opponent who has just started scouting out the sector has no major targets to
attack. From a game balance perspective, Control points are a big deal, you should only be able to earn them from players
who have played more than a couple games.
Reasons to Challenge someone:
If you, the Challenger, win you gain 1 Control point! This is the ONLY way to get Control points. A
“Win” is defined by the scenario.
Reasons to Accept Challenge:
You, as defender, gain 1 Strategic Point for EACH VP you score in the mission. Accepting a
Control challenge is the fastest way to earn Strategic Points without spending recon points.
Designer Note: I did this for a couple reasons. First, I want it to be tempting to accept the challenge, so the Challenger
doesn’t have a hard time finding opponents. From a ‘fluff’ standpoint, your opponent has revealed the power of his force to
you in all its glory. You also know exactly where it all is….your base! Also, I wanted to open up the possibility of an instant
counter strike. If a defender really does well he could easily pick up 25-40 strategic points.
Action Info
Cost: Challenger pays 80 Strategic Points, Defender pays nothing
Opponent: Any one other player with at least 40 Strategic Points or at least 1 Control Point.
Fleet Size: Use Scenario, for random anything goes (but remember Mike doesn't like BB's)
Attacker/Defender: Challenger is attacker
Scenario Table:
The scenario played is based on the Challenger’s current Control points (CP) See Chart below.

3 DESTROY STARBASE Starbase Assault
4 PLANETARY BOMBARDMENT 8DK3 (mod), New Scenario w/Ground Bases

Global Rules:
“It’s a battle worthy of a Song”
To set up a Duel scenario roll 1D6 and consult the chart below to determine BPV:

1 – 2 75 200 400
3 – 4 115 285 600
5 – 6 135 350 800

After BPV is determined roll 1d6 twice, once to determine the map type and once to determine if there is any terrain. See charts below:



If you received asteroids roll 1d6 again to determine amount of panels to be placed (all asteroid fields are light asteroids in the duel scenario). See chart below:

2 – 5 TWO

“We’ll fight, but we’ll fight them on our terms.”
Strategy points accrue as you play the game, because they are spent on control actions your bank of points will always be in flux. For each 100 strategy points you have accrued you can perform a Battle Adjustment. A Battle Adjustment is one of the following options: adding or subtracting two to the initial scenario die roll, replacing one map panel in any scenario after the map is built, adjusting your starting location by up to 5 hexes in any direction, preventing your opponent from completing any one Battle Adjustment. Each adjustment costs 5 strategy points and any adjustment you intend to cancel must be canceled before your opponent completes it. (You may hold no more then 525 Strategy Points in your bank at one time).

Example: Chuck wants to add two asteroid panels to scenario 8KA, he currently has 316 Strategy points, his opponent Bill has 247 Strategy points and does not want to play in an asteroid field. Chuck declares his intention to exchange a map panel and spends 5 Strategy points, Bill wanting to block this action spends 5 of his own If Chuck wants to continue he must spend 5 more points to try again, and because Bill has 242 points left he can spend 5 more to cancel Chuck's second attempt. Chuck still wants his asteroids and since he still has 306 points left he spends 5 more points to exchange one map panel, Bill no longer has enough battle adjustments left to stop Chuck from placing his asteroids.

“We are pleased with your progress. These resources are now at your disposal.”
(This section is still under construction, I intend to limit it too 3 types of officers, Captain, Engineer, and communications (kidding), Weapons officer. As far as ship upgrades go it is going to be something like 2x lab section 1 x P1 with an FA arc, 2xP3 LS/RS, 4x Hull, all random. I would also like to find a way to include 32 speed drones, and other technology advancements but I think that can wait for the next campaign.)

Players with Control points have impressed their governments and can now call upon experienced
resources. After the scenario is determined and fleets are chosen players may elect to give ships veteran upgrades. For each Control Point you currently have, you may perform the following steps:

1. Nominate a ship for a veteran upgrade
2. Roll for the type of veteran upgrade: Officer or “Refit”
3. If Officer Roll for the type of Legendary Officer.
4. If Refit:
a. Roll on the “Refit” table.
b. You MUST accept the result rolled unless the ship can not have the refit or is already refit, otherwise Re-roll

If you have more than one Control Point you may repeat the above process for different ships, or place
several Upgrades on a single ship. The choice is yours.
Your opponent must witness the roll(s) and must be told which ship(s) gained Upgrades. Any
ship with an Upgrade is worth more VP per upgrade to your opponent. After all, they are taking
away a tactical advantage.
Note that any Upgrades are for that battle only. This represents you requesting priority
assistance from high command, and you get what they send you. Your next request may be answered by
a different ship.

Last edited by Savedfromwhat on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Odd-ball idea here. Let's say you use a simplified version of F&E as the strategic level of a campaign. It doesn't even have to be that level of complexity, just big enough that each empire has dozens and dozens of ships in their fleet. So the campaign players, the "admirals" if you will, decide where each ship / squadron goes for the turn, and the campaign moderator determines there are a bunch of battles zones to be fought. More than any one player can handle in a reasonable amount of time. So let’s farm them out to other players. Have something on the FedCmdr On-Line that lists these battles as scenarios. The admirals can post a short list of instructions, basically telling the players how far they should be willing to risk damage to their own ship before withdrawing from combat and such, what the mission objectives are. Other players, not specifically involved in the campaign, can then play these battles out (either on-line of face-to-face) and report the results back. The admirals will each have a ship (or perhaps three to five ships) that, should those be in battle zones, the admiral must play out the tactical battles himself (herself?) and not farm them out.
Garth L. Getgen

Master Sgt, US Air Force, Retired -- 1981-2007 -- 1W091A
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not so much of an odd-ball idea. It sounds good to me. By using something like this, fairly new or infrequent players might be able to do some online gaming without being tied up in a long campaign that they may have no time or interest in doing.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anything been said yet about how much the FedComm campaign rules that VBam is doing is going to cost?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mike wrote:
Has anything been said yet about how much the FedComm campaign rules that VBam is doing is going to cost?

I haven't seen anything on it yet.
"His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking."
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Joined: 07 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could I suggest renaming this topic to perhaps something like "Fedcom Campaign Rules: X-CAM" to allow other people to post their campaign rules in other topics and avoid confusion?
Garth L. Getgen

Master Sgt, US Air Force, Retired -- 1981-2007 -- 1W091A
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pinecone’s Campaign Rules


Each empire starts with a 100 point planet, a ship up to 200 points (what’s left over from that gets carried to the next turn), a large freighter and a Starbase


Ships to research that move into a new hex roll a die (Multiple times) to see what they found. What is found in a system stays there until it is destroyed or moves. An enemy squadron or monster will move one hex in any direction (determined by die roll) after spending a turn in a hex. Here are the tables:

First Roll:
1 Occupied, Empty
2-3 empty
4 terrain
5 Derelict, may have terrain
6 Planet, May be occupied

To see whether terrain roll (Derelict only)
1 no terrain
2-6 terrain

To see whether Occupied roll (Planet only)
1-2 Occupied
3-6 Not Occupied

Occupied roll:
1 Monster
2 three ships up to 300 total points
3-6 single (up to) 100 point ship

Derelict Roll:
1-2 (up to) 100 point ship
3-4 (up to) 200 point ship
5 (up to) 250 point ship
6 Dead Monster

Monster/Dead Monster roll:
1 Deathprobe
2-3 Juggernaught
4 Planet killer
5 Old Space Dragon
6 Moray Eel

Ship/ Derelict Roll (2 dice):
2 Federation
3 Klingon
4 Kzinti
5 Tholian
6 Orion
7 Gorn
8 Romulan
9 Seletorian
10 Lyran
11 Hydran
12 roll 2nd ship/ Derelict roll

2nd Ship/ Derelict Roll:
1-2 WYN
3-4 LDR
5-6 Vudar

Terrain roll:
1-2 1 Point Asteroids
3-4 2 Point Asteroids
5 Wormhole (connects to next wormhole found)
6 Roll 2nd Terrain roll

2nd Terrain roll:
1-2 1 Point Asteroids
3-4 2 Point Asteroids
5-6 Black Hole (Ship(s) destroyed, system useless)

Planet roll:
1 10 Point Planet
2 25 Point Planet
3-4 50 Point Planet
5 75 Point Planet
6 Roll 2nd Planet roll

2nd Planet roll:
1 10 Point Planet
2 25 Point Planet
3-4 50 Point Planet
5-6 100 Point Planet

Ships can move 3 spaces on the master map in one turn. If they move into an enemy territory with more than one ship, they need a command ship (explained later). Fast ships and Light Dreadnaughts can move 4 spaces. All movement is written down (Hex by Hex) and then executed. If two opposing ships (or fleets) meet, they fight. If there is no enemy in a territory, or you destroy the enemy, you gain the territory.

If your territory is invaded, you may choose to execute the first hex, but then change the rest of your move (reflecting that you got the message of an invasion force).

Freighters can move only one hex each turn.

Stations can’t move at all.

When you invade enemy territory with more than one ship, you need a flagship. A flagship is a vessel with a flag bridge. One extra ship may be added for each flag bridge at that location. Defenders may have more than one ship without a flagship, but it restricts them (below).

In a battle that took place on no one’s territory, each ship must stay in the fight for at least two turns. Then they can retire (described in briefing 1). Attackers into enemy territory can retire at any time so long that they have a flagship. Defenders can retire after two turns if they have a flagship. Once the order to retire is given, it will continue, even if the flagship is destroyed.

When Flag bridges on invading ships are destroyed, that many invading ships must retire immediately.


Each turn in the Purchasing Phase (Below), count up the number of points you have. Each Planet and asteroid field gives you points (above). Besides that, freighters in a planet system give extra points (below) up to the amount the planet usually gives, and spacestations double the efficiency of freighters (So you need fewer, not so they can go triple the normal point value of the system).

Mobile Bases x3
Base Stations x1
Battlestations x2
Starbase x4

Free Trader +1
Prime trader +1
APT +1
Armed Cutter +0
Small Freighter +2
Large Freighter +3
Heavy Freighter+4

When you build a ship, you must pay its cost in points. Once built, the ship is placed at any of your planets. Any unspent points can be saved until next turn. When you build a Small Freighter, you may designate it as a repair ship. A repair ship gives no point bonus, but has some extra benefits (Below).

Some ships may only be built after a race has been at war for 3 turns. These ships are ones that have War, New, Neo, Medium, Battleship, or Heavy dreadnaught in their name.

When a ship is damaged, it cannot fight again until it is repaired. To repair a ship, pay half of its cost in points while it is in the same hex as a planet, base, or Small freighter (Designated as a repair ship).


After ships move, they may scout the territory they entered, and/or battle any enemies there. If enemies are encountered, friendly ships within a one hex radius may arrive at the battle on turn 3 (Fast Warships and Light Dreadnaughts can arrive on turn 2).


1. Purchasing
2. Diplomacy
3. Movement
4. Research
5. Second Diplomacy phase
6. Battles
7. Rubbing in your victory against the person you defeated. Wink

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Joined: 23 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sgt_G wrote:
Could I suggest renaming this topic to perhaps something like "Fedcom Campaign Rules: X-CAM" to allow other people to post their campaign rules in other topics and avoid confusion?

I'll only change it if you tell me what your AFSC is... Very Happy
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Joined: 07 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Savedfromwhat wrote:
I'll only change it if you tell me what your AFSC is... Very Happy
I was a 25170A / 1W071. I'm sure you know what rank I retired as. Cool
Garth L. Getgen

Master Sgt, US Air Force, Retired -- 1981-2007 -- 1W091A
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could take a guess lol. I was a 3c2x1 myself. Never made it to Offut but ended up on the phone with their comm guys ALL THE TIME. I think their tech control was put together with duct tape and bubble gum or some other miracle adhesives.
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