Double secondary hull cruiser

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Star Fleet Battles: New Product Development: Module R13 Ships With ZING!: Tranche Two: Tranche Two: Double secondary hull cruiser
By John Pepper (Akula) on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 08:53 pm: Edit

I would like to do a SSD for a ship like the double hulled, double nacelle one in these pics. Come to think of it the 3 nacelle one might be fun to. Brend doesn't allow remote links so you may have to type these in.

Of course I want to make it more “TOS” and SFBish, I’m not a big fan of the new movie.
For the quad one, something along the lines of two CS secondary hulls, and the roll bar from the medium dreadnought on a NCL or DD saucer.
The triple nacelle is easier. 12 point nacelle in the middle, 2 6 point nacelles on the side, medium dreadnought roll bar.

Any thoughts?

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Saturday, August 10, 2019 - 12:39 am: Edit

Not sure how legal it is but I did an SSD for it and it's pretty sweet.

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