Archive through March 30, 2018

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: A Call to Arms Star Fleet: ACTASF: BOOK TWO: Archive through March 30, 2018
By Tony L. Thomas (Scoutdad) on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 03:36 pm: Edit

In progress:
We lost a couple of play test groups due to real life commitments, so if anyone is looking for a well-paid, part time job...
Fleet Lists:
Orions - completely done and tested.
10 new ships and complete rules for optional weaponry
Tholians - Fleet list done and 50% tested.
Currently at 24 ships, but most have both a Photon and a Disruptor variant, so call it 15 new ships.
Webs, Web Casters, Web fist rule done and in play test to find flaws.
Feds / Klingons / Romulan / Gorn / Kzinti - done.
New ship totals range from 5 to 10, depending on the empire in question.

New traits and special actions are complete and have been 90 to 95% verified.

Rules have been added for:
Phaser G's
Particle Cannons

New ship classes:
Battleships for every empire
Police Ships for the empires that do not have one.
2 Scouts for every empire (one destroyer size, one war cruiser sized)

Still to be completed:
Seltorian fleet list
Commando ships for everybody
Boarding party combat
Capturing enemy ships
New Scenarios
New tactical challenges
And a mini-campaign for the Orion Pirates.

By Tony L. Thomas (Scoutdad) on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 08:16 pm: Edit

I think webs are fixed...
Commando ships and boarding parties are being play tested.

Orion Fleets
Tholian Fleets
Neo-Tholian Fleets
Seltorian Fleets are done.

Battleships, police ships, and a few special ships for everyone are done.

Optional weapons are done...

Scouts and scout rules are 75% done

Scenarios are in progress
Mini Campaign is in progress

Enough of the book is complete that I have started the final formatting / organization required to send it to ADB one chapter at a time.

It truly won't be long now.

And Book 3 id probably 35 to 40% complete already, so it will follow right on the heels of Book 2.

By Andrew E Schwenzer (Andrew_Cluetain) on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 08:12 pm: Edit

Good news, there will be fighters in this game; but you will have to wait to book 3. While I know book 2 is done with play testing, I can't say more officially because I'm not part of ADB.

By Tony L. Thomas (Scoutdad) on Friday, March 30, 2018 - 03:49 pm: Edit

Book 3 will have standard fighters for every empire.
So far, the rues work... they need some adjusting, but I refuse to release them to the play testers until they play and report on fusion beams and hellbores.

Having too many things in play test at one time makes it difficult to figure out what is causing problems.

Once the fusions and HBs are correct - fighters should be very easy to complete.

Strike craft, bombers, heavy fighters, etc. will have to wait for Book 4. Adding over 150 new ships and a standard fighter for each of the 10 empires just about gets you a full book.

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