Archive through September 08, 2019

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: A Call to Arms Star Fleet: ACTASF: BOOK TWO: Archive through September 08, 2019
By Tony L. Thomas (Scoutdad) on Friday, March 30, 2018 - 03:53 pm: Edit

That being said, I would be willing to take on another play test group, assuming the group actually wanted to play and report - instead of just getting the new rules for free without ever commenting or providing feedback of any kind.

And just in case anyone is keeping score - through the course of Book 2 testing, we had 23 different groups who received part (or all) of the rules (early drafts only, fortunately) and only 5 who providing feedback.

18 groups were never heard from again after receiving the initial Book 2 rules.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, August 19, 2019 - 11:39 pm: Edit

I sent Chapter Six to Tony this afternoon. I sent him about half of Chapter Seven about 7pm when I packed up and went home.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Monday, August 19, 2019 - 11:51 pm: Edit

For ACTA players who haven't read other topics, I started on a special diet 5 July 2018 and lost 36 pounds in three months. Three days before I was scheduled for surgery in October 2018 Leanna suffered a major injury delaying my surgery to 28 Jan. I spent a month or two recovering, then did Captain's Log, then finished the Gorn Master Starship Book, then did Merchants of the Federation, then did my parts of the Star Fleet Index and GURPS Prime Directive (Jean finished that today).

At this point I have Laid out about 36 pages out of just guessing 125 pages. I did about 12 or 14 pages today. It is now the main focus and I hope to have the draft on the PDF stores by 10 September. That draft will be missing some art that is just decorative, but we should get a final print book by Christmas.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 - 07:14 pm: Edit

I got to the end of the scenario section, but discovered (thanks to Tony) that the computer ate four pages of rules earlier so I gotta go back and fix those. Tholian web, ugh, always the most complicated rule in any game system.

By Tom Talasco (Pvt64) on Thursday, August 22, 2019 - 01:14 pm: Edit

Glad to see it coming together!


By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Thursday, August 22, 2019 - 05:06 pm: Edit

The SIX lost rules pages got done Wednesday.

I spent a while today trying to change five different versions of "that other book we did before" into "ACTASF Book-1.2".

By Stephen Stewart (Stevestewart) on Friday, August 23, 2019 - 07:16 am: Edit

It's a bit like Christmas - "How many sleeps until ACTA Book 2 comes?" Very excited about this, but appreciate it takes time to do right and just looking forward to the output!

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Friday, August 23, 2019 - 08:49 am: Edit

I want the PDF uploaded by 10 Sept.

Hard copy December or January.

Lots to do.
1. Ship rosters, lots of them.
2. Graphics created and added.
3. All of that "back of the book stuff"
4. Fixing anything Tony Finds.
5. Fixing all that Jean finds.
6. Fixing anything SPP finds.
7. Anything And everything else.

By John Williams (Johndw) on Friday, August 23, 2019 - 09:07 am: Edit

If I could buy the PDF in September that would be a month-early birthday surprise for me! Probably spend a couple hours pouring through it and offering any edit changes in whatever thread pops up for such things.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Friday, August 23, 2019 - 07:16 pm: Edit

Today I got some global search done to standardized terms and processed all of Tony's reports. I didn't get to the fleet rosters yet, that's for tomorrow.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 01:15 pm: Edit

Fed ship rosters done and sent to Tony.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 10:02 am: Edit

Been working so constantly on this I haven't updated it.

The whole book exists except for nine pages of miniatures painting guides that will probably wait for the next update. I got plenty of photos to occupy those pages for 10 September. Tony just sent four of them but I doubt we will have time to do them as the priority is to get the existing pages proofread.

Most of the art will be added on a later update.

I got the index done yesterday. Tony sent the graphics I needed yesterday. Leanna did the artifacts chart yesterday.

So like I said the whole 180 pages are done other than nine minis pages and a lot of art, all of which is to be added on the update.

The issue is proofreading. Jean got to page 40, Petrick to page 80. We were down there past Dark last night 11 hour day) and plan to do that again today and tomorrow. The book WILL get uploaded on the 10th or 11th but Jean may not have proofread it all until the update so you may find some Capitalized Nouns Like Cruiser And Destroyers. Some of the stock numbers for miniatures may be missing, but all of that will be added in the update.

The long suffering ACTA players need an Act Of Good Faith. They need to see that the book Does Actually Exist.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 10:16 am: Edit

Jean... Leanna said she would do the stock numbers for 2400 and 2500 so you don't have to. Do you have an organized printed list of Shapeways ships? Petrick could do those. Leaves you time for real proofreading.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:14 pm: Edit

Chapter 0 Intro: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick, fixes made, sent to Petrick for change checks.

Chapter 1 Sequence of play: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick.

Chapter 2 movement: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick.

Chapter 3 combat: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick.

Chapter 4 Special Actions: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick.

Chapter 5 Systems: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, Under review by Petrick. Graphics received from Tony and inserted.

Chapter 6 Terrain: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, Given to Petrick.

Chapter 7 Scenarios: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, under review by Jean. Missing chart created by Leanna.

Chapter 8 Feds: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, Reviwed by Petrick.

Chapter 8 Klingons: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, Reviwed by Petrick.

Chapter 8 Romulans: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, Reviwed by Petrick.

Chapter 8 Kzintis: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, given to Petrick.

Chapter 8 Gorns: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, given to Petrick.

Chapter 8 Tholians: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes not yet made.

Chapter 8 Orions: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes not yet made.

Chapter 8 Seltorians: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes not yet made.

Chapter 8 Civilians: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes not yet made.

Chapter 8 Monsters: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes not yet made.

Chapter 8 WYN preview: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes not yet made.

Chapter 9 Universe: Tony's text, page layout, background material added, sent to Tony and Petrick.

Chapter 10 Hobby: Tony's text, page layout, Painting section sent it but not placed yet, alibi pages done for planets, alibi pages done for webs, sent to Tony and Petrick.

Chapter 11 Annexes: FAQ just needs one thing from Tony. Tactics done. Glossary done. Index done. Not reviewed by Jean, but given to Petrick and Tony.

By Tom Talasco (Pvt64) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 02:04 pm: Edit


By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 02:22 pm: Edit

Chapter 5: Petrick review complete.
Chapter 8 Kzinti: Petrick review complete, now adding minis stock numbers.
Chapter 8 Tholian: Tony's changes made.
Chapter 8 Orion: Tony's changes made.
As of 2pm.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 04:49 pm: Edit

Chapter 8 Kzinti: Petrick changes made, minis stock numbers added.
Chapter 8 Seltorian: Petrick's changes made.
Chapter 11 Annexes: Tony sent the needed FAQ.
Chapter 8 Gorn: Petrick review completed, stock numbers noted in green pen.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 05:57 pm: Edit

Chapter 8 Gorn: Petrick fixes made, Stock numbers added. New printed copy sent to Jean. Godzilla help us all.

Chapter 8 Monsters: Tony changes made, sent to Petrick and Jean.

Chapter 8 WYN: Tony changes made, sent to Petrick and Jean.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 06:51 pm: Edit

Chapter 1 Sequence: Jean fixes made. Petrick fixes made. Two items sent to Tony.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 07:53 pm: Edit

Chapter 9 Universe: Jean says she read it and gave it to Petrick.

Chapter 10 Miniatures: Jean says she read it and gave it to Petrick.

Chapter 11 Annexes: Jean says she is reading it now.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 08:05 pm: Edit

Chapter 2 Movement: All changes made, preliminary book is finished to page 10.

Chapter 8 Tholians: Petrick reviewed this and marked the stock numbers. I haven't done it yet.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 08:36 pm: Edit

Chapter 3: All changs made, Preliminary book is finished to page 14.

Chapter 11: Jean has read it and given it to Petrick.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 08:58 pm: Edit

Chapter 4, special actions: All changes made. Book is now complete to page 18.

Chapter 5 looks HARD so I'll find something else to work on.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 10:07 pm: Edit

Chapter 8 Tholian: Petrick's marks fixed, stock numbers added.

By Steve Cole (Stevecole) on Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 10:16 pm: Edit

Chapter 0 Intro: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick, fixes made, sent to Petrick for change checks. Jean fixes made. Petrick fixes made. Book is finished to page 4.

Chapter 1 Sequence of play: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick. Jean fixes made. Petrick fixes made. Book is finished to page 8.

Chapter 2 movement: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick. Jean fixes made. Petrick fixes made. Book is finished to page 10.

Chapter 3 combat: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick. Jean fixes made. Petrick fixes made. Book is finished to page 14.

Chapter 4 Special Actions: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, reviewed by Petrick. Jean fixes made. Petrick fixes made. Book is finished to page 18.

Chapter 5 Systems: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, Petrick review complete. Graphics received from Tony and inserted. This is pages 19-30. I will fix them tomorrow.

Chapter 6 Terrain: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, reviewed by Jean, Reviewed by Petrick. This is pages 31-32.

Chapter 7 Scenarios: 20 pages. Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, under review by Jean. Missing chart created by Leanna. Jean finished review and gave it to Petrick.

Chapter 8 Feds: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, Reviwed by Petrick, his fixes made, stock numbers not added. Jean reviewing it now.

Chapter 8 Klingons: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, Reviwed by Petrick, made his fixes, gave to Jean.

Chapter 8 Romulans: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, Reviwed by Petrick, his fixes made, given to Jean, stock numbers not added.

Chapter 8 Kzintis: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, given to Petrick. Petrick review complete, Petrick changes made, minis stock numbers added. Given to Jean.

Chapter 8 Gorns: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, given to Petrick. Petrick review completed, stock numbers noted in green pen. Petrick fixes made, Stock numbers added. New printed copy sent to Jean. Godzilla help us all.

Chapter 8 Tholians: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's changes made. Petrick review added stock numbers. Petrick's marks fixed, stock numbers added. Given to Jean.

Chapter 8 Orions: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's changes made.

Chapter 8 Seltorians: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, sent to Petrick and Jean. Petrick's changes made.

Chapter 8 Civilians: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, sent to Petrick and Jean.

Chapter 8 Monsters: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, sent to Petrick and Jean.

Chapter 8 WYN preview: Tony's text, page layout, Reviewed by Tony, Tony's fixes made, sent to Petrick and Jean.

Chapter 9 Universe: Tony's text, page layout, background material added, sent to Tony and Jean. Jean read it and gave it to Petrick.

Chapter 10 Hobby: Tony's text, page layout, Painting section sent it but not placed yet, alibi pages done for planets, alibi pages done for webs, sent to Tony and Jean. Jean read it and gave it to Petrick.

Chapter 11 Annexes: FAQ just needs one thing from Tony. Tactics done. Glossary done. Index done. Not reviewed by Jean, but given to Jean and Tony. Tony sent the needed FAQ. Jean read it and gave it to Petrick.

9:30pm Sunday night, here since 9:30 this morning, going home. See you tomorrow.

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