Archive through November 19, 2022

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Federation & Empire: F&E COMPUTER PROJECTS: F&E Computer Development: Archive through November 19, 2022
By Richard Eitzen (Rbeitzen) on Friday, June 19, 2020 - 04:35 pm: Edit

That's pretty awesome.

If you want someone to playtest it and check it for rules compliance, style and what not I would gladly do so for you.

Let me know.


Is the setup info easily altered to represent other scenarios, such as Four Powers War, and so on?

Some scenarios are more work than others.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, June 19, 2020 - 05:27 pm: Edit

Brian, it looks like it, but does the software support all of the current F&E products on the market? Any it doesn't support?

By Richard Eitzen (Rbeitzen) on Friday, June 19, 2020 - 05:51 pm: Edit

I like the look of the disrupted provinces.

By Lawrence Bergen (Lar) on Friday, June 19, 2020 - 06:34 pm: Edit

Another quick question. I saw that players can change the location of a build from the Capital shipyard to an existing SB. The question is what if players build additional SBs will the system "know about" those new possible build locations?

By Jason E. Schaff (Jschaff297061) on Friday, June 19, 2020 - 06:59 pm: Edit

Very freaking cool!

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Monday, June 22, 2020 - 10:39 pm: Edit

Thanks guys for all the positive feedback. This really has been a lot of fun. I've been out of the coding world for years (ok over a decade) so dusting off these skills AND getting to mess around with a game I used to love playing... its been great.

And thanks for the suggestions too, I still have on my to do list some of the other enhancements suggested before. Just trying to push now to actually get to Operational Movement :)

Ted ->
RE: Survey ships, it will remember what you picked last turn, so in theory you only have to do it once, but yeah I can probably streamline that

RE: Builds...I was thinking about a "Build All" button, but I like your count option better as it provides more flexibility

RE: will support all the ones that I own ;) Right now that's F&E, AO, SO, PO, CO, and FO.
Although I realized that by following the currently published OOB, I was including stuff from FO 2016 and I only have the 2004 version. Guess I need to buy the updates.

I don't have ISC War or Minor Powers so nothing from that is in there.

Oh I don't own the compendiums either so I'm not 100% what I'm missing out there. I only have a handful of the Captian's Logs (OLD ones) and I didn't think about it until just now that I might need to revisit those.

Richard ->
In theory it could handle other scenarios beside the Grand Campaign. All the scenario specific rules and OOB are loaded from XML files. But I have only been worried about the General War so far.

RE: Playtest...its not ready for anything like that yet...but I'd take you up on that when the time comes. Of course we'll have to get SVC's that would mean I was sharing the software and obviously I don't own any of ADB's IP nor do I want to do anything to potentially damage the brand. We can discuss with him when the time comes.

Lawrence ->
Yes it will allow construction at player built SB. It should also support player built shipyards too, but I haven't actually tested that yet.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - 04:18 pm: Edit

@Brian - Sweet! As far as building stuff is concerned, it's very rare that you would just "build all". Usually you are substituting something during builds (e.g., AD5 for D5), etc., so being able to specify how many you build would be very nice.

By John Christiansen (Roscoehatfield) on Friday, August 14, 2020 - 05:12 pm: Edit

I haven't read everything written here, and have one question, please. Is this being programmed as single player, two players, multiple players, or any combo of these?

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Friday, October 23, 2020 - 03:01 pm: Edit

Hello folks! Surprise, I did not cease to exist....but work has been a little crazy the past few months.

I did though get time the past couple of weeks to work on this again. Lots of major progress in this time...

* Added in the full OOB for all empires (thanks Ken!)
* Finished the work on Police Call ups
* Mouse controls for moving the map
* Added Compot and SeQ info to fleets
* selected unit information display
* Can select the number of units to build now
* Operational Movement!!!
* Reaction Movement!!!
* Basic Pinning enforced
* Released/non-released fleet restrictions
* Fixed a nasty bug in how economy was working
* Fixed how province disruption was working
* Fixed how stacked units displayed

And probably more stuff, but thats what I remember right now. Video below (I accidentally showed a few things you've seen before, sorry about that)

Oh John...right now its "hot seat" play, but I *think* I've built it in a way that would make multi-player over a network possible to add.

Video on Youtube

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Friday, October 23, 2020 - 03:36 pm: Edit


By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 - 12:17 am: Edit

So I just read this whole thread (starting back at the April 2009 posts) and I now understand why folks have been asking about scaling back/etc.

I am going to take a look at things and see if perhaps it makes more sense to focus on just the base rules and then (once we have something the works) start worrying about adding AO/CO/etc. Trouble is I already have some of that mixed in, so anyway something I need to think about.

Since the update from Friday, I've fixed that bug with reaction movement :)

By Patrick H. Dillman (Patrick) on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 - 03:09 pm: Edit

Yes, I would rather have the basic F&E as a real product and the rest can be done as DLCs.

By Paul Edwards (Pablomatic) on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 - 09:58 pm: Edit

For what it's worth great job Brian. If you can pull this off maybe we can finally have something that can really speed up play and free the mind for high level thinking. Thank you.

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Monday, November 09, 2020 - 06:04 pm: Edit

Thanks I was going to start working on combat, but figured this would be a good time to do something other than hotseat play so I've added multiplayer now (sorta).

And man am I glad I did it now! The design I *thought* was going to work to make it easy to add multiplayer later was totally wrong.

So what I have done since last update...

* Added in a networking layer so you can play over internet with a Host and remote clients and they will stay in sync with each other
* Added ability to pick the scenario you are playing
* Added ability to set which player is playing which empire

I know doesn't sound like much, but it was a pain :)

Now I need to go back to everything I've already done and hook it up to the network and make it enforce which player (and thus client) can manage which empire.

Short video of the game setup lobby...
Video on youtube

By Charles W Popp (Captnchuck67) on Monday, August 02, 2021 - 03:26 pm: Edit

Hey Brian,
You need any help playtesting? How is the project going?

By James McCubbin (Kimokhan) on Friday, August 06, 2021 - 04:52 pm: Edit

Are you using Unity for this?

By William Linton (Bill) on Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 04:46 pm: Edit

I'd like to Ditto Charles and James questions. I've just switched to the latest Unity LTS with hexgrid integration, but you are much further ahead than I am.

looking good so far

By fabio poli (Fabioz) on Saturday, October 23, 2021 - 12:28 pm: Edit

Things look good!

By Mike Erickson (Mike_Erickson) on Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 12:26 am: Edit

Does anyone have the contents of the SIT files available in some kind of format that can be easily read into a SQL database for analysis? I'm mostly interested in the basic game at this point but more than that would also be useful. Thanks.


By Bill Phillips (Praetor) on Saturday, March 05, 2022 - 04:04 pm: Edit

Brian Klotzman (Briank)

The youtube video is FANTASTIC,.

I am eagerly awaiting the finished product.

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Sunday, March 06, 2022 - 08:21 am: Edit


Sent you an email to your profile about the SQL tables.

By Nick Sandberg (Savedfromwhat) on Sunday, March 06, 2022 - 05:26 pm: Edit

Ken, I am working on my own project as well (all personal hobby only) if you have a csv SIT or something else parsable i would be much obliged

By Mike Erickson (Mike_Erickson) on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 12:28 pm: Edit

Has anyone ever written a computer program to:

1. Automatically create a battle force from a pile of ships, taking into consideration command rating, free scouts, drone bombardment, etc.

2. Automatically resolve combat rounds, calculating damage, crippling ships, replenishing lines, etc.



By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Friday, November 18, 2022 - 04:01 pm: Edit

Hello my friends, I know I have kinda disappeared. combo of work getting busy and then my whole plan for how to add network play was not at so was going to need a significant re-write and well...yeah.

Anyway...I just picked it all back up about a month ago and very excited with the progress and building network in from the beginning this time so its going smoother.

Plus I went ahead an made it 3d this time so now it actually looks and feels more like you are at the table.

I'm heading down to my daughters college to visit her for a couple of days, but when I get back I'll get a video up of how its looking and the progress that I've made.

Just wanted to say Howdy...and happy Thanksgiving :)

By Riccardo Perni (P_R_S) on Saturday, November 19, 2022 - 11:17 am: Edit

Happy to see you back Brian!! :)

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