Archive through March 25, 2023

Star Fleet Universe Discussion Board: Federation & Empire: F&E COMPUTER PROJECTS: F&E Computer Development: Archive through March 25, 2023
By Charles W Popp (Captnchuck67) on Sunday, November 20, 2022 - 12:50 pm: Edit

cool thanks for the update

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Saturday, December 03, 2022 - 05:10 pm: Edit

Looking forward to seeing a demo.

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Thursday, December 22, 2022 - 01:30 pm: Edit

ok finally had a moment to make a video of where I'm at.

So while there are elements I reused, this is pretty much completely rewritten from what I did a couple years ago (holy cow its been that long?)

The whole engine is built with network play in mind now. So the biggest thing here now is a fully lobby system so you can find a game and join it from anywhere in the world and you don't need to know IPs or any of that crap

Also lots of behind the scenes stuff to keep all the clients in sync and only let the active player manage what is going on.

the other major change is I made it all a 3D board now instead (good view of this around the 3:30 mark in the video). and yes still using stolen sprites from the vassal game box (sorry/thanks James) for the actual ships, but I put them on a 3d model.

I also put some quality of life improvements from my original game so for example when assigning Tug Missions it actually shows you where the tug in question is on the board so you don't have to just remember where a particular hex is.

Lastly added in what I think is a pretty cool dice animation system.

I've basically got setup and the economics phase done now (although I still need to work out partial grid effects)

OH one other thing, I'm simplifying my scope in an effort to actually finish this and only doing the base game right now. Those of you who pay closer attention will note that its still using the extended OOB, but I'll fix that

Anyway here's a 5ish minute demo of where I'm at...

Video on YouTube

By James Lowry (Rindis) on Thursday, December 22, 2022 - 01:56 pm: Edit

Would you like me to send you a package of all my existing ship counters? :D

I can also send my map assets.

By Ted Fay (Catwhoeatsphoto) on Thursday, December 22, 2022 - 03:48 pm: Edit

This is.... Amazing.

Bravo, sir, bravo!

Let me know when it's ready to play!

By Lawrence Bergen (Lar) on Thursday, December 22, 2022 - 09:27 pm: Edit

Yes indeed this is impressive

By Alan De Salvio (Alandwork) on Friday, December 23, 2022 - 06:37 pm: Edit

That looks amazing

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 - 10:07 pm: Edit

Thanks y'all.

James that would be amazing, I'll send you an email.

I've been working on production now, got mothball activation redone and part way through builds. Once I finish all of Phase step 2, I'll post another video

By Mike Curtis (Nashvillen) on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 - 10:33 pm: Edit

What are you using as an engine? Looks a lot like TTS.

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 - 12:50 pm: Edit

I'm writing it in C# on Unity. Also using the Netcode library and then the tile map, dice and playing pieces are built in Blender. (with Jame's images used as a texture on the playing pieces)

I did leverage a couple of 3rd party assets like the deterministic dice roller so I could force the physics simulation of the dice to make the remote client(s) see the same die roll as the person who actually rolls (which is determined randomly)

By Mike Curtis (Nashvillen) on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 - 09:33 pm: Edit

Can you make stacking counters more sticky and less bouncy?

By Steve Stewart (Stevestewart) on Monday, January 02, 2023 - 12:12 pm: Edit

Wow - I've never had the space to set up a game of F&E; this looks incredible.

By David Finan (Bbanzai) on Monday, January 09, 2023 - 04:04 pm: Edit

This looks really good, are you planning on adding in any of the lost empire/ minor races as options?

By Brian Klotzman (Briank) on Friday, January 13, 2023 - 12:13 pm: Edit

Thanks all.

So I had a little set back in that I updated one of the libraries I was using which caused a different update...which caused some of my networking code to behave very poorly so I've had to spend some time fixing that. I think thats all worked out now though.

Besides that I've moved into Phase 2, so I have everything working now for Mothball activations, building ships, overbuilds, and accelerated production. Also added in additional graphics for the unit counters thanks to James. So now you can see the back sides and I actually built it so you can flip the counters over, although you can't really see that yet since I haven't done combat.

I'm working on substitutions and conversions now. And then building other units/items (pods, command points etc).

Once I finish out phase 2 I'll post a new video.

Mike -> Yes I can, I've changed the physics up a bit would have laughed hard if you'd seen how bouncy they were at first...but I've toned it down some more now.

David -> So my original plan was to include every add on that I own...which is most of them...but the project got huge. So I'm very focused right now on just the base game but I'm doing everything I can in the code to keep it extensible, because yes once I get it done...I want to go back and allow for the addition of the extensions.

By Lawrence Bergen (Lar) on Friday, January 13, 2023 - 12:56 pm: Edit

Most excellent

By Chuck Strong (Raider) on Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 04:51 am: Edit

Greetings Brian:

Would you send me an e-mail as I would like to share some thoughts with you as you move forward.



By David Finan (Bbanzai) on Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 11:37 am: Edit

Great update thanks for the info, let us know when you are ready for some beta testing.

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Sunday, March 19, 2023 - 02:36 pm: Edit

Does anyone already have code that determines where in the battle line a unit can be placed?

Here are some of the fields:



By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 01:34 am: Edit

Starting to put some requirements together.

Units that are allowed in the admiral battle line box would be those whose Designation is like Admiral OR the Build Cost Or Substitution contains the rule "316."

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 08:35 pm: Edit

For the DIP box:

BattleLine_Diplomacy is set by:
(Designation = 'DIP') OR
(Notes Like '%(540.%') OR
(Notes Like '%Diplomatic Team%')

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 09:05 pm: Edit

For the Prime Team box:

BattleLine_PrimeTeam is set by:
(Designation = 'Prime Team') OR
(SFBREF Like 'G32%') OR
(FactorsOnCounter Like '%Prime Team%') OR
(Notes Like '%Prime Team%')

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 02:37 pm: Edit

For the Swac Cloak Decoy box:

Battleline_SwacCloakDecoy is set by
(Designation LIKE '%SWAC%') OR
(BuildCostOrSubstitution LIKE '%317.3%') OR
(BuildCostOrSubstitution LIKE '%518.%') OR
(Notes Like '%Electronic warfare shuttle%')


(Designation LIKE '%CLOAK DECOY%') OR
(SFBREF Like 'G27%') OR
(BuildCostOrSubstitution LIKE '%(538.%') OR
(Notes Like '%(538%') OR
(Notes Like '%Cloaked Decoy%')

By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 02:47 pm: Edit

For the Marine Major General box:

Battleline_MarineMajorGeneral is set by:
(Designation LIKE '%Marine%') OR
(BuildCostOrSubstitution LIKE '%(321.%') OR
(Notes LIKE '%(321.%')"

By Chuck Strong (Raider) on Friday, March 24, 2023 - 04:08 am: Edit


Greetings Brian:

Would you send me an e-mail as I would like to share some thoughts with you as you move forward.



By Ken Kazinski (Kjkazinski) on Saturday, March 25, 2023 - 08:26 pm: Edit

The formation bonus slot box is interesting as all units are allowed with the exception of the prohibited units.

(308.74) PROHIBITED UNITS: The following units cannot receive the Formation Bonus under any circumstances:

This flag is set for all units and then needs to be unset for the prohibited units.

BattleBoard_FormationBonusSlot is cleared by:
(BaseHullSize LIKE '%Group%') OR
(Designation = 'C-BASE') OR
(BaseHullSize = 'Starbase') OR
(BaseHullSize = 'Base Module') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'MB(%') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'OPB(%') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'BS(%') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'BTS(%') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'STB(%') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'SB(%') OR
(BaseHullSize LIKE 'STF(%') OR
(Notes LIKE '%Ground Base%') OR
(Designation = 'PDU')"

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