ORIGINS 2010 (June 23-27, Columbus, OH): Join ADB and the Staff at the second largest hobby game convention in the United States, and the largest gathering of players and Rated Aces to be found all year. Click on the Origins logo above for registration and housing information.
There are three major SFB tournaments at Origins every year. In no particular order, these are:
How Does It All Work?
In the SFB tournaments, you purchase event tickets. SFB is a large enough event to sell its own event tickets at the judges desk.
When you sign up at the judges desk, you'll be asked to fill out some paperwork, listing your name and address. This is used by ADB (and only ADB) for player matching information.
After you fill out the paperwork, you'll be asked your name, and what ship you intend to fly. You'll be given a number; this is your player number in the tournament. Don't forget it; it makes the matchups easier to track.
When you are ready to play your first (next) game, advise one of the judges at the desk who will place your tournament card into the pile for the next matching. Matches are made at the top and bottom of every hour, so please be in the tournament area five (5) minutes beforehand, as late penalties will be enforced. The judges will ask if you and your opponent are from the same play group (claiming SFBOL as a play group does not count). You'll then be handed a map, SSDs and EA forms, and be pointed to a table. (If you bring a map, you'll be handed a map voucher. The only way that ADB can be certain to get all their loaner maps back is to make sure that EVERYONE gets a map.)
What's A Rated Ace?A Rated Ace is a person who has won a sanctioned SFB tournament in the last two years.
What's it like to judge Origins?
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at Origins? Check out Tournaments: A Judges View.
SFB at Past Origins
GenCon Information
Copyright © 1991-2008 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 26 March 2010 |